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Chronicler Pavel Galvanek

Lieskovec is a small village located on the left bank of the Kysuce River, which is the main river of our surroundings. This receives a boat called the brook that flows through our village, dividing it into two parts. The population, which, according to the last description of 1050, is the word one hundred and fifty, are, according to nationality, Slovaks and, according to religion, Roman Catholics belonging to Kys. novomestskej farnosti. Four Jewish families whose possessions in 1918 were materially damaged left our village.
Kysucké Nové Mesto is the seat of our district, from which our village is four kilometers away. Lieskovec belongs to those villages, which with their legionnaires contributed to the conquest of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, on whose ruins our Czechoslovak Republic arose. We have 11 such fighters in the village. Invalids counted 8, 13 dead, together all the military service of the acting members were 136, of which one amount fought on the Russian, the other on the Italian front.
The location of the village is delighted. There are mountains: Skačkov, Marusov, Pleš and Šerkov, whose height is 600 - 800 meters. The countryside of the village is hilly and only a small amount is formed by the plain next to Kysuce, spreading out. It is true that the area of ​​the village is about 6 km long, but a large amount consists of pastures and forest, less is the soil.
The main occupation of the population is agriculture and cattle breeding. On hilly regions where the earth is less fertile, oats and potatoes are born in particular, but flattened instead of these cabbage and wheat. However, this is not enough to nourish our population and therefore some other occupations seek to feed their families, such as k.p. basketry, knitted goods, fishing, beekeeping, fruit growing, picking strawberries, raspberries, darts in the summer, but also butter and eggs, many of them do door-to-door shops, some work in various warehouses in Žilina, coal mines in Karvin railways employed, etc.
As for fruit production, the description of the fruit trees in our village was found. The number is 1758, of which 1 cherries 24, 2 nuts 1, 3 apple 550, 4 pears 400 and 5 plum 783.
Public buildings outside two pubs and public schools, one of which is religious and the other state, are not in the village. As far as the notariat is concerned, our municipality is assigned to the obligatory. The last post is Kysucké Nové Mesto; railway station in Ochodnica 1Km away.
Ján Amos Komenský, a teacher of nations, says in his file: "We work eight hours, eight sleep and eight educate!" Our people cannot adhere to this slogan. It deals with peasants and therefore the last excess of time to devote to not stand. However, there are many of our citizens who recognize that education above all; they take the example of the Germans who outperform everything with their schools. They prove that they really want to educate themselves with the fact that they have not borrowed as many books from the school library, especially from the municipal library as in 1932, in just one year. They subscribe to various newspapers, both old and school youth, which are located in two classes. Teaching in them is alternating. The school attendant was added in 1932 and it was necessary to ask the school inspectorate to take care of the fourth teaching force. That was what happened, and so in the school year 1932/33 we got a new master teacher who temporarily teaches at a church folk school until the new state class is built.
In March, the election of the municipal council was to be detained, but this was not the case, because citizenship decided to unanimously elect Štefan Šutý, the former mayor, who had always kept his office conscientiously. Jozef Mičjan, a well-known comedian in our theater, was elected deputy mayor.
Our people are cheerful, entertaining, hardworking and pious, but many are superstitious, false and vengeful. Such vengeance is attributed to the fire in Adam Bobek's house, which burned down completely with the side buildings, but our firefighting prevented further spread.
The only hobby is that many can do the worst among the marital status, which then has very bad consequences, such as: constant perception in the house, battle, drinking and even murder. Suicide of Stefan Fick on July 5, 1932.
As in the previous year, this year, a typhoid fever called a catchy disease broke out in our village, which began to spread very widely among our population, which, however, did not lead to the county's intervention. It was found that this year, a blacksmith from Lutiš behind Ledonhorou used the spreading hill to dig coal for his own needs, which the coal recognized very well. On the other hand, these hills form a chain with Walls that stretch between Budatínska Lehota and Povina, on the other hand, in the hazel area of ​​Pleš, it can be assumed that this coal is in greater quantity in our neighborhood. That it was true, I found out a few years ago. The excavated coal burned well and could be used as Karviná, proof that this pan has a continuation in our mountains. The state should look at this and make sure that this event is true. Our people will come to work and earn this.

In 1933 the weather was very unpleasant; In the summer of April, we were never sure what the weather would bring us the next day. The autumn was rainy, it was raining constantly, people were worried about their crops, counting on not digging a healthy potato after so much rain. But how disappointing they were when digging with almost healthy potatoes filled their bags. As for the other, for our people so much needed food - cabbage - was good. So people had nothing to sue for 1933, which brought them a good harvest.
However, the population is also engaged in breeding cattle, but it does not bring any benefit to him, even a lot of damage, ponevac, as in other years, and bee such a terrible disease spread among pigs, for which in a short time a huge amount has died. Against this disease our people defend themselves by grafting these, but often without effect. Therefore, a larger amount of our population is employed by farmers and cattle breeding, but a smaller amount cannot benefit from it and therefore seeks various work outside the village. Some of them run a doorstep shop especially in the Czech Republic, especially in Prague, while others work on sawmills by wood around Ždiar called a small town in Moravia. This number is 30-40, including several women.
In order for our unemployed to come to some earnings, the country road that passed through our village was rolled. Work began on July 19 at the top of our area. It was completed on 15 August. About 20 people worked daily on this journey.
The big mistake is that many care about cleanliness. In an apartment where the family has lived almost all their lives, all the impurity. Around the house manure, which gets into the stream, and often into the well. No wonder people taking her water get sick of typhoid fever. Like last year and that year, there were several falls. However, he did not succumb to the disease, and these patients were immediately taken to hospital.
Our people are hardworking, when they are doing well, they are happy to desire, but when they do not reach their destination, unfortunately they drink, when they meet them, they visit a tavern to forget everything, and so it goes on. So in all joys and sorrows the first is a tavern. We have two in the village. The sealed beverage is sold in all three stores, among which is the "Future" called, which has its own house. The fourth business, namely Kavackého *, completely burned this year. It did not take long to burn down nearby houses with side buildings whose farms are: suitors of Joseph Pagac, Tnojansky * and Jan Pagac. Who and how caused this fire was not investigated.
Here I must mention the unpleasant thing and the murder that was committed in the house of Joseph Školník and whose victim was the owner of the house. Appointed in his sleep, he was killed by an ax and thrown into Kysuce, where he was found by commuting workers. The case is under investigation.
According to the registry office in Kysucké Nové Mesto, in 1933, 36 children were born in Lieskovec, including 21 boys and 15 girls. Nine men and 9 women died, 18 people in total, nothing illegal was born. Marriages were totally closed on the 20th
As for fruit growing, the number of fruit trees in the village is 29 cherry trees, 762 apple trees, 484 pears, 826 plum tree and 3 nut trees.
Last time I have to mention our education. The number of school-leavers has increased and therefore, by law, one more teacher force would be needed. This year there was a change in the school inspectorate. The first inspector Klačanský was transferred to Skalice at his request. His position was taken by Inspector Gavaj *, who moved to Čadca in October. We also left our school doctor Dr. Gucalov, whose seat was in Krasna. His position has been represented since the end of 1933 by Dr. Silaš * doctor Kysuce-New Town. Pupil's health is good.

Year 1934 extraordinary. The weather in April and May hot. Summer mild. Autumn long and so warm that in October and November strawberries and raspberries ripened in the woods, in the gardens of various fruits. The May frosts caused damage in places, but the crop was good, about the same as last year. Work for our unemployed was enough. These were held in three places. One near Skačkov, where the country road was rolled, the other was working in digging the so-called "Štefka's hill" and the third repaired the road to the ship's manager. On May 12, a fire broke out at the Kolibač gazd, which instantly wildened eight houses. At the beginning of July, Hermina Suta, 32, was drowned in Kysuce as she crossed the footbridge to the road leading to the railway station. On July 15, Eduard Lehocký, a young bachelor, died in Budatín at four o'clock in the morning, when he was passing the wagon through the railway. The commuter train just caught him and killed him. The car on which he was sitting was destroyed, sitting with him Stefan Bielik, also a local resident, wounded and the horse named killed.
This year there was a description of fruit trees, the number of which is greater from year to year. Gazdas acknowledge that their cultivation brings them a good deal. They are starting to take the example of the neighboring Lodnans, who are so saying - just by selling fruit they make a living. The elderly trade fruit, but young people have been going to Moravia, Silesia for two to three weeks before Christmas, but mostly to Bohemia, where they run a doorstep shop offering traps and hangers for sale to the local people. Many of them go for vintage and singing, which in a few days about 400 - 500 CZK, even with great luck even 1000 - 1500 CZK brings.
In 1934, 27 boys and 20 girls were born in our village, together 47 children. 30 people died, 16 couples married.
As far as education is concerned, since the number of school-leavers increased this year, it was necessary to take care of a new learning force. Our community has five learning forces, three teachers and two teachers. Teaching takes place in three classes: state, newly established state and ecclesiastical. The first two are taught year 1 - 5, in the third, however, 6 - 8 r. Teaching in public schools is half-day, while in church all-day. The school doctor visited the local schools three times this year. Catching disease has not been detected among schoolchildren.

Year 1935. This year was similar to last year. The spring was warm at the beginning, but on May 1, it turned into winter, with snow fumes that lasted three days. Summer was hot, dry, almost rainless. Autumn pleasant. It lasted almost until Christmas, when it showed some snow, but he did not have stability. Gazdas feared that due to large and permanent droughts they would have a poor crop. But they were very wrong. Both grain and potatoes and cabbages were imported in large quantities, above all dug 2 to 3 more potato, as in other years. For many, however, even this abundant blessing of the crop was not enough, and therefore about 10th of the population leads a doorstep shop, which gives them a very nice pension.
The big mistake is that our farmers have to suffer great damage to their cattle almost every year for various diseases that have been so widespread among cattle this year, especially among pigs, chickens and geese that most of them have died. < br /> This year there was a fire on three farms. On April 27, Paulusa's house and two barns burned. On June 20, the houses of Kondok * and the widow of Školník. Cause unknown.
In May the construction of Štefan Ondreáš st. The fire was observed early and extinguished. In an investigation for the indiscriminate cause of a neighbor there, Ondrej was arrested and imprisoned by the police. However, his innocence was proved and so named, who is very popular among local people, was released from the prison in Trenčín. In 1935 14 boys were born in Lieskovec and 23 girls, together 37 children, died 11 chl. and 24 girls, together 35 people. The number of births is therefore higher. Once 15-20 in a family of people belonging to the same house, bees, however, each family strives to build their own special housing and therefore we see what more and more new homes in our village.
This year, our village received new inhabitants from the Netherlands, who speak different languages, namely Hungarian, German, Italian and only two Slovak languages. They are hard-working people who understand different crafts. Many should take an example of these. However, we also have so-called smugglers in the village, who carry the grocery from Poland by skilled horses. Also in another way some would like to get rich. Indeed, there are also those who buy or fake passports for various animals.
As we know, there are two pubs in the village. One of them is located in the village located Štefan Friš. The shepherd's house was sold off for his debt; he had his son named a house built next to the castle. Both pubs are located on the country road.
The regulation of roads of that year was not carried out. The country road is fine, but not the general road, which requires a major repair. As they say, she is to be regulated next year, along with our stream.
The passage to Kysuce is better than in previous years. This is done by the upper and lower gantries, as well as two completely new boats made this year.
As far as education is concerned, there has been a change in the learning force. Pavel Galvánek, a teacher of a folk school after 32 years in the local village, retired on 1 July. His son Zoltán Galvánek took his place, who was elected by all members of the school chair, unanimously, as a teacher of the local folk school. The chairman of the school chair, František Miklošovič, the Kysuce-Nové Mesto chaplain was not satisfied with the choice, Milan Matísek, who was a less-favored teacher at this year, was not satisfied with the election this year. This angered the chairman so that he canceled the election without a cause and didn't even want to hear about the chosen teacher. After this act, the members of the school chair gathered and sent a request, which was signed by all members of the school chair, to the bishop's office, which would confirm the elected teacher of the local school. In the meantime, however, the President, who constantly insulted the elect, as one of the members of the school chair, Zoltán Galvánek before the Episcopal office so badly defiled him that he did not want to confirm him as a teacher of the local school. On the other hand, the time of teaching was approaching, the father of the chosen teacher was forced to travel to Nitra and put the matter to the bishop's office. After this bishop, who, as he said, knew nothing about the matter, the chief ecclesiastical chief supervisor did not inform him of it, and he recognized the chosen school teacher. The Episcopal Office immediately gave this to the script which was delivered to the President on that day. The President was then forced to write the minutes of the election and to present the Episcopal office, which confirmed the elected in his office.
Both in the church and in the state folk school there was a change. The position of Oldrich Velísek state teacher, who started military service on 1 October, was taken by Skalický born Michal Martinák, who ended his teaching institute this year.
Lastly, I must mention the elections that were held on 19 and 26 May. On May 19, members were elected to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, on May 26 members were elected to the District and Regional Councils. They hit our village as follows:
1. as regards the Chamber of Deputies, party 1 received agrarian 43 votes, party 2 social democrats 15 votes, party 3 n. Soc. 2 votes, page 4 com. 9 votes, page 5 folk, page 7 Folk folk 228 votes, page 13 fascist 150 votes, page 16 n. negotiate. 1 vote.
2. Senate: page 1 agrarian 40 votes, page 2 soc. Dem. 17 votes, page 3 n. Soc. 3 votes, page 4 Com. 6 votes, page 5 folk 4 votes, page 7 Folk folk 191 votes, page 12 K. Henlein 1 vote, page 13 fascist 136 votes, page 16 n. negotiate. 1 vote.
3. District: page 1 agrarian 50 votes, page 2 soc. Dem. 14 votes, page 3 n. Soc. 1 vote, page 4. Com. 6 votes, page 5 folk 5 votes, page 7 Folk folk 204 votes, page 20 n. sjend. 13 votes, page 21 fascist 135 votes.
4. Country: page 1 agrarian 51 votes, page 2 soc. Dem. 16 votes, page 3 n. Soc. 1 vote, page 4 Com. 6 votes, page 5 folk 5 votes, page 7 Folk folk 202 votes, page 10 živn.-obch. 1 vote, page 11 1 vote, page 20 fascist 126 votes, page 21 words. nat. 14 votes, page 22 no. nat. 2 votes, page 24 Jewish 2 votes.
As we can see, in these elections two parties led in our village: the folk and fascist clay. Since our people think differently in every election, we can expect big changes in the next election.

Chronicler Zoltán Galvánek, teacher at the Roman Catholic Folk School

The year 1936 began with beautiful weather, so beautiful that people already plowed their fields in January. The promising year started anyway, so the spring was very nice whole. Summer was hot and, though short, brought a sufficient and timely crop of grain that was harvested from the field earlier this year than in other years, of course people praised, as their crops, as farmers, care a lot. In addition, even the autumn was initially good weather and crop, but then the weather worsened badly. It was raining, snow falling, freezing, so many people had cabbage and potatoes covered with snow. It was hard to work in the field at these times when people were digging potatoes or shaving cabbage in winter clothes. It looked as if the Eskimos were transferring a farm. In those times, nobody envied the poor peasants of the poor peasants they had to put fire on, so that they could occasionally go to their heart. For Christmas the weather got a little warm, so walking on the watery snow was not nice to anyone, but also because it suffers from a very entertaining that our people, very gentle, does not want to give in bad weather and therefore prefer not to go much outdoors to play in the pub in the card, the obvious thing that without money, just "for free", because even our people do not throw such a godly money, as once, while there were more groschen, grandma again usually go to the neighbors to talk . The fiscal year was thus good enough and so many diseases on the farm were not, as ever before, which can probably be thanked only for the higher education of the people, that the farm protects against diseases by veterinary medicine, as well as more efficient and healthy hairs. br /> As is common in our villages, the population is sufficiently taken care of, so we do not have to worry that the nation will perish. In Lieskovec, more people are born annually than proportions. This year 21 boys and 26 girls were born, plus 3 illegitimate children, a total of 13 children more than last year, compared to 8 male and 4 female, 23 persons less than last year. The total population increase compared to last year is 36 persons, of which the female world has a larger share, but they are also taken care of, since only 6 men married and 12 women from Lieskovec married, twice. The fear of not being married can therefore safely disappear from the father's hearts.
The Cultural Local MOK (Local Educational Commission) worked quite well, as evidenced by the fact that on 16 February František Urbánek's play "The Ghost" received the second prize at the district theater competitions held in Kysucké Nové Mesto on 14 and 15 March. . At the end of March, a new businessman Anton Obrtlík moved to Lieskovec, who rented the house from Tomáš Švaňa, so there are 3 shops in Lieskovec. On 14 April, a fire broke out in the night at the inhabitants of Matej Hmir, while the wooden building burned down with the barn. The damage was covered by insurance. For the first time ever, a tree-feast was held in our village on 19 April, attended by the inhabitants of the village to a large extent, as the weather was beautiful, as ordered specifically for Providence for this purpose. The ceremony was organized by a local teaching staff in cooperation with firefighting and school diets. On behalf of DHZ lectured about the importance of the ceremony of local DHZ mayor Štefan Šutý, about the cultural importance of trees talked the deputy mayor of the village and DHZ Jozef Jozef Mičjan, and the economic person of trees at all and fruit was delivered by teacher Jaroslav Kuranda. The ceremony was enriched by the recitation of pupils as well as by the pupils' numbers, which were practiced by teachers Jaroslav Kuranda and Zoltán Galvánek. After the ceremony, which took place on the municipal land purchased from Friša for the school, which was also planted 7 trees, the audience went with the escort to the village, where it broke up. Then it was dancing fun, as is usually the case on such occasions. In the best stream of entertainment, a fire-trumpet signal "Fire!" Was suddenly heard, causing wonder among the glee citizens, so the fun stopped and everyone ran out to see if his cottage was burning. It was found that the great glow that stretched over the village came from the upper end of the village, Bútorský, which is in an elevated position above the village. They burned the buildings of the widow Anna Králiková and her children. The damage was covered by insurance, except for 1/7 of the whole belonging to Vincent Králik. A month later, at 12 o'clock at night from 27 to 28 May, a fire broke out at the widow of Zelinova. The fire was spotted by nightmate Mitka, so he managed to defuse him in time. However, the lighter was a very tenacious creature. Since he failed to work first, he wanted to transfer it later. At 3 am the fire broke out again. This time he was unable to locate him and therefore fell victim to building. The barn and everything else in the house burned except for the walls, so the Zelinovci built a makeshift shed out of the boards in the place where the barn first stood and lived there until late autumn. The fire was a suspicious family member who was then investigated but failed to do anything and was released.
At the end of the school year on 21 June, the position of the teacher at the local Roman Catholic People's School was filled with an invitation of the present teacher Zoltán Galvánek, for which this time the chairman of the school chair Chaplain Miklošovic himself did not want to hear him. However, after the election there were difficulties again. The Episcopal Office did not approve the election in accordance with the new regulation of the Department of Education and National Enlightenment and a concurrence had to be announced, as the invited teacher had not yet had the aptitude test required to fill the final position. The new election took place on 28 August, and since no teacher had applied for the aptitude test, only Zoltán Galvánek was temporarily elected again for a period of one year. At the beginning of September, Bohumír Fučík, who came from Makov, came to the position of teacher Oldřich Velísek, a teacher of the state folk school. Former Assistant Teacher Michal Martiňák went to Lodn where he got a waiting position.
As a third, a new fire of 5 to 6 September, when Bend's humor burned down, belongs. In 1936, 5 brick houses and 1 wooden house were built in Lieskovec opposite these destroyed buildings. At the end of September, teacher Kuranda managed to talk to the current owner of the district of Tribský from Žilina to release the district, which also happened for a severance payment of 800 Kcs, as there was enough venison in the district. Four Těšínčians and three teachers from Lodna joined the association, but Kurand and Kuranda, because of some discrepancies, had to get rid of each other and leave the association. In October, the route of the new vicinal road to Lodno was measured, but it is not known when the construction will proceed as well as the regulation of the local Lodňanka stream. This year, for the first time, a CPO service and a blackout exercise were organized. The population is quite receptive to these things and with understanding helped to maintain order in this exercise. On the night of November 8, the summer bread of the tavern Friar Friars burned and on the night of November 13, unknown perpetrators broke into the local shop of the cooperative "Future", where they stole various goods, especially bacon and spirits. The perpetrators have not yet been caught. Before the end of the calendar year of December 20, the mayor was at the local resident Vincent Sopko, who was said to have gone mad because he had shaken the neighbors and himself, did not eat for 4 days and beat the mater with a hatchet. The mayor of the village, however, claimed that Sopek does not make the impression of a fool. In general, it also seemed, but it was not normal, however, which has been observed by several people.

The year 1937 began with warm days, so the ice on the streams and theysys melted, broke and sailed. At the end of January, however, it was hard winter again, and there was snow dust, so people put manure on the fields that wagons would not get, that is, uphill. However, in early February the weather was mild again, and it was also in March and April, when it was raining the most. May, however, was nice, warm. The spring weather was therefore satisfactory, but at the end of the summer it occasionally peaked on people. It was raining throughout August, which made field work difficult, as harvest is in full swing. The same was almost the same in the autumn, as it mostly rained.

Economic life
People were urinating in the field. They deserved that crop that was not so great, suggesting that some field products were more expensive than last year. This is especially true of cabbage, whose price was 40 Kcs per 1 q. The price of potatoes was around 30 Kcs per 1 q. The village from the support action was grain, which cheaper received those farmers who had subscribed to the damage suffered on grain by freezing winter. A remarkable phenomenon in the economy came from an increase in the price of wood. The wood was a good boom this year until the end of the year. The price of wood was around 100 Kčs per 1 m3 on the site, around 145 Kčs in the sawmill in Krásna nad Kysucou. Many people have sold almost all their wood from the mountains, and many have helped them out of debt, because the hazel citizens are in debt. Otherwise, the standard of living of these people was not particularly elevated. They are not trained to eat well, they just need a simple, meat-free meal in an old-fashioned way and are satisfied. The money they received for wood did not increase their lifespan. They were mostly used to pay out debts, or were imposed, but many of them were also drunk, which is still a bad habit of our villages and cannot be uprooted at once; >
In terms of population, it is worse year after year. Each year, the increase in increment increases, bringing us considerably closer to population stagnation. While last year the net increase in population was 36, this year the figure was much smaller, only 28, almost 1/4 of that of last year, which, according to the paper form, would mean population stagnation in 3 years. However, hopefully this will not be the case. Marriage was 7th

Cultural life
The cultural activity in the village is dependent on the teaching staff who leads it and takes care of it appropriately. Teachers' roles are usually divided so that each year shows his or her share. However, we must not omit that some residents, and there are enough of them now, are also happy to help. On February 7, the play "Mrs. Rychtárka" was played with great success on a big visit. On March 7, celebrations of the 87th birthday of President Liberator T. G. Masaryk were held. On April 11, a tree feast was organized with great public participation, where the pupils recited poems and chants, and the symbolic tree was planted in the courtyard of the Roman Catholic Folk School, which unfortunately dried up. May was rich in celebrations. There were celebrations of Štefánik's Day , Mother's Day, and on May 28, President Beneš's birthday celebrations were added. On October 28, celebrations of the 19th year of Czechoslovakia were held, which, although dignified, were not as happy as the celebrations of the previous years, because we were already lives without a father, without our dear President of the Liberator who left us forever September. This sad news had a terrible impression on the heart of our good, sensitive people. September 21, this is the day of the funeral of President Liberator, held a commemoration in Kysucky New Town, where a large number of people gathered and village. A memorial was held in our schools. Cultural activities also include a number of teacher lectures. Special mention should be made of the practical prize of lectures given by teacher J. Kuranda, who dealt with the issues of population defense and military education. Cultural matters include the fact that the state school was extended by 1 class at the beginning of the school year 1937/38, so it is now five-class and with the church school is 1 more, so there are a total of 6 classes in the village.

Special Events
On 4 January Vincent Volcano was taken to a madhouse in Levoča, but at the end of January he returned home as a normal person. On February 24, the village near Dupkal hosted a meeting of the village where the Mayor of Baltiar spoke about the advantages of joining Lieskovec to the parish of the Merchant. It was considered: When Lieskovec joins Ochodnica, a joint post office, a joint notary will be required, a bridge will be built across Kysuca and behind Kysuca will build a peripheral town school. However, the application has been rejected by the Episcopal Bishop's Office in Nitra. What they want to do next is not known, because action is at a deadlock. From 8 to 9 May at 2 pm Justina Funiak's throat burned at night, and the night of May 11 to May 12 saw a great fire in Lieskovec. Behind the stream, a whole colony of farmers burned. These were Škuták, Halúska, Chrastková, Janiš, Ján Koprna, Filip Koprna, Šišaj, Slezák (2 houses), Ondrejáš Karol and partly the house of the doorstep merchant Pitka was damaged. In addition, defensible were Slezakovo and Skutakovo. Janis burned six pigs, a 3 year old child was burned so that he had to be taken to the hospital and the elderly also burned on his face. In addition to the fire-brigade fire brigade, there were also businessmen, Kysuce-New Town and Zilina. The buildings surrounding and further north were caught from the sparks, because the wind was south, and even the people at the Šutovce had to extinguish and extinguish. The Roman Catholic People's School was also going, but the mayor knocked out the door, letting firefighters loose, and the danger was averted without damage. The official school affairs were supervised by teacher Smejkalová and teacher Fučík. On 29 May, Ján Pagáč's throat burned down, and all the sites of Tomáš Koprna burned on 27 June. At the end of the school year, teacher Fučík left the village for Turzovka and his former teacher O. Velísek returned from his military service. Also the new class came teacher Martiňák, who already in 1935/36 taught in the village. On September 8, the town was confirmed in Kysucké Nové Mesto and then in the afternoon the hazel Roman Catholic folk school was visited by Karol Kmeťko, Bishop of Nitra. On 31 October, Tomáš Švaňa was accidentally shot by Ján Mokrý, a train manager from Český Těšín. Wet shot at the hare, the shot bounced off the stone and injured Švaňovi eye, which in his hospital in Žilina. Other remarkable events did not happen in the village in 1937. However, I would like to mention, in addition to the amendment, that the improved economic situation had no significant impact on the construction industry. Several burned houses were built again, but some were not. A total of 12 houses were built in the village in 1937, one of which was wooden.

Year 1938
The New Year began with mild weather, but since mid-February there were big smudges, later night frosts and a day out. March was very rainy and April crazy, as almost every year, was rain, winter and snow was also missing. In summer the weather was very variable, uncertain, and it was still raining since early August. This miserable weather was also in autumn, until winter. The snow hit just before Christmas.

Economic life
The crop this year due to the weather was still candidate. The price of cabbage was around 40 K per 1q, the price of potatoes around 35 K per 1q. The price of wood fell slightly compared to the previous year, but hard beech wood was after 50 K per 1m3. There was a great need for the workers in the autumn, as a special military exercise in May and mobilization in September caused this lack of labor. It is worth mentioning that the poor people suffered from a lack of milk, as the village was very widespread in the summer with the foot-and-mouth disease. Otherwise, there was nothing abnormal in the economic life of local people compared to other years, which is also the result of habit.

Events and cultural life
On February 27, theater amateurs of MOK, led by Jaroslav Kuranda, a teacher, included a play of Jakub and Tekl. On April 22, local miller Andrej Hmira hanged up for unknown reasons. On April 24, a tree feast was held under the leadership of the teaching staff under the slogan "Trees for the Defense of the State". On May 4, again, as every year, a funeral ceremony was held in memory of our general Stefanik . May 15 was the Mother's Day. On May 21, the war was warned at night, because many ballot papers were issued for conscripts called for a special military exercise, which was why he was called on May 24. for this exercise, local teacher Oldrich Velísek. May 28th was probably the last celebration of President E. Benes. Then, on June 12, a very important event for the municipality was: a municipal election. In this election, the people with fascists received 271 votes with 11 seats, the Agrarian Party with 14 votes and 6 seats, and Mičura's Party with 29 votes and 1 seat. The mayor, however, remained only the former, as the new mayor was not officially confirmed for some reason. Local believers were very saddened on June 24, because the favorite priest priest František Herodek died in Kysucké Nové Mesto.
On 8 July, Adam Bobek, an older, hazel citizen, hanged in his apartment. He committed death from poverty.
On September 14th, there was a memory of Tomáš G. Masaryk. At that time, there was a great political boom that ended with the mobilization of 20 years of our army, which was ordered by the new Prime Minister, General Syrový, following the resignation of E. Beneš and Hodžová's government. Benes actually gave up the presidency only on 5 October. This mobilization did not even reduce recruits. When the Allies abandoned us and on September 29th night in Munich, representatives of France, England, Italy and Germany agreed to sacrifice our republic "for world peace", we had to retreat and give Germany a large part of Bohemia, Moravia, almost all northwest Silesia and we Slovaks also Petržalka near Bratislava and Devín. The evacuation from the occupied territory lasted until 7 October. On 2 October, the Poles brothers also took the opportunity to occupy the entire northeastern and even eastern Silesia. On October 6, Slovakia was a historic day in Žilina, because there were political parties agreed to carry out the long-time desire of the late leader Andrej Hlinka and the long-standing desire of the Slovak nation, the autonomy of the Slovak country within the new Czecho-Slovakia. Two days later, on October 8, the first Slovak government was established in Bratislava under the leadership of Jozef Tisa. Matúš Černák, Ferdinand Ďurčanský, Ján Lichner and Pavel Teplánsky became members of the first Slovak government in addition to the Prime Minister. On 9 October our government negotiated with the Hungarians on the withdrawal of part of Slovakia to Hungary, but they could not agree, therefore, similarly as in Munich, the International Commission in Vienna determined which cities should belong to Hungary. On 3 November, we lost a piece of Slovakia with purely Slovak municipalities and many Slovaks. For a while, the vivacity and lust of Hungarian won, but not forever. It is time to return to Slovakia, according to holy law. Whoever thinks that the brave Slovak can reconcile with the Hungarian count is wrong. On November 1, our Slavic brothers Poles also came to our territory. They also ruthlessly wanted to pick pieces from our Slovakia. However, they received only the railway Čadca - Skalité, a piece of the village Skalitý, Čierneho and Svrčinovec. Funny state. They also took in the Tatras Javorina and a piece of land without people. At such times, it is not surprising that on the night of November 7, several people plundered the local Future team. On November 8, the unification of the Slovak parties took place in Bratislava. On November 19, the autonomy of the Slovak Land was also voted in the Prague Parliament, and on November 20 it became a holiday of Slovakia after the unification of the fragmented nation. After all, there was an attitude among divorced Slovaks. Hlinka Guard was established here on 13 November. On 21 November Devin fell into German hands. Despite the fact that the occupation of the withdrawn territory ended on 24 November, there was still a 25th smaller shootout with the Polish army at Skalit, as the Polish army would have carelessly occupied Slovakia as far as Piešťany. On 18 December, the elections to the first Slovak parliament were elected by 519 votes to 518 in favor of the government. The year ended with a census in Slovakia.


This year from the beginning was pretty warm and nice. In March there were isolated frosts, but April was warm and nice until the first half of May came rain. It was also raining in early August, resulting in major floods. By the end of the year it was mostly warm and nice, the snow had fallen just before Christmas.

Economic life
The economic situation of the village has changed a bit this year due to various world events, which were also reflected in our country. The price of wood compared to the previous year was increased in beech for 1m3 to 70 - 80 pieces, the price of potatoes ranged from 45 pieces and the price of cabbage remained substantially unchanged. Economic work at home stuck both because of the mobilization of reserve soldiers in March and September, and because many people went to work in Germany where they needed people because there was a military situation. This year, the earnings of the citizens based on these conditions were quite considerable, especially many people earned money in the construction of the state castle, which was rebuilt. Turns on the towers were leveled because they hindered rapid transport. Since people had a lot of work in this way, the building industry could not be the same as in the previous years and only 4 brick houses were built. This year, district youth care has seized 13 poor children and the Ministry of Education has donated 150 pieces of school supplies to the children of poor parents.

Health Conditions
There were no contagious diseases in humans or cattle. The medical examination of school children was in 2 times. With the exception of a few cases of trachoma, which occurs annually in some families and is treated under medical supervision at the Nursing Home, no infectious diseases have been detected. With continued hygiene, however, it will also disappear from our village, because its cases are less in the village every year.

Local events
On January 1, the state teacher Ondrej Velísek was available to the Prague government at his own request and replaced by teacher Ján Reck, who came from the Hungarian territory. On March 1, teachers Zoltán Galvánek and Michal Martiňák left for the war in the hands of newcomers. At the end of March, German customs officers came to the village for a short time. On March 30, teacher Ján Reck left for military service during the Guardian mobilization. On 1 April, Tomáš Šurina opened a general store. At the end of April, the local HG procured a radio receiver for citizens' needs. On 1 May, Tomáš Šurina was appointed Commissioner for the village of Lieskovec nad Kysucou and on 7 May, the teacher Ján Reck took over command of the local HG from the existing creditor Tomáš Švaňa. In May, the idea of ​​building a branch church in the village of Kysuce town parish. The initiator was Andrej Paldan, a priest from Kysuce town, who takes various steps to ensure that his good idea is realized. In August there was a great flood that caused a lot of damage to citizens' property. At the beginning of August, the German army came to the village and was preparing for war with Poland. On the basis of the mobilization was ordered compulsory daily blackout in the event of air raids enemy army. Given the proximity of the Polish border, this measure was necessary.

Cultural life
Although this year was full of busy moments, the cultural activity in the village was not hindered by events as expected, and there are quite nice results in this field of work. On February 5, 1939 teacher Ján Reck gave a lecture on "Children - the future of the nation". On February 12, the HG amateurs and the teaching staff included the play "Ferda chief". On February 19, the teacher Martiňák gave a lecture on the topic "On the need for the unity of the Slovak nation" and on March 26 the chaplain Peter Macko of Kysucké Town "Independent Slovakia". On April 16, a tree feast was held, on May 4, a radio speech by Minister of Education Jozef Sivak about General Milan Rastislav Štefánik , on May 7, a school memorial to Gen. M. R. Stefanik. On May 21st, Mother's Day - a celebration and May 28th was a theatrical performance of school children "Salt over Gold" directed by Chaplain P. Mack. On May 29th, the same theater performance was performed in Kysucké Nové Mesto and the net benefit of both performances was named for the construction of a branch church in Lieskovec nad Kysucou. On 14 June, a trip to Súľovské skaly was organized by school children and a teaching staff. The point is that it was the first trip of hazel school children to a foreign country outside of their own land. On 6.10. celebrations of the autonomy of Slovakia were held as a first step towards an independent Slovak state.

Important world events as well as our nationwide
On 18 January, the Slovak Parliament met for the first time. On March 1, recruits were recruited for military soldiers, since for mobilization in 1938 they could not handle that year, according to custom, on October 1. On 14 March Slovakia became independent from Bohemia and Moravia, an independent Slovak State was established, an independent Slovak Republic with an authoritarian regime. At the same time, Bohemia and Moravia were occupied by German troops, and the lands were taken under the Protectorate of Germany and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia was formed. When this happened in the west, in the east of our state the Hungarians occupied Subcarpathian Ukraine and annexed it to Hungary. On 14, 15 and 16 March, the German army came to Slovakia to maintain order and to prevent the unacceptability of various elements and to the Slovak state of unwanted people. A week after the independence of Slovakia, the vivacious Hungarians ripped off a piece of Slovakia in the east. At the end of August, the question of Gdansk and the Polish Corridor emerged again. Germany formed a non-aggression pact with the USSR, which was a blow to England and France. At the beginning of September, the war with Poland was in full swing and in three weeks there was no more Poland among the states of Europe. This war was also attended by the Slovak army, which won back the regions that were taken back: Orava, Kysuce and Spiš, which was the atonement of the injustice committed by the Poles after the World War and after the separation of Czecho-Slovakia in 1938. a piece of Poland and Lithuania took those regions that had been taken away from it by Poland. At that time, the resettlement of Germans from the Baltic States to the Empire also took place, and Russian troops occupied the Baltic States for the sake of peace. Before Christmas, the Russo-Finnish war for the country's border belt, the so-called Karelian Neck, was established.

Year 1940
It was so harsh winter this year that even the oldest citizens cannot remember it. The stored crops were frozen in the cellars, and the cattle were chewed in the stables, so they had to be extremely closed and lined with straw and rags to keep the cattle from freezing. Such fujavice lived in January and February that they were snow-covered and all roads were ineligible for traffic, so they had to organize special workplaces to remove snow from the roads, but that was not enough, so they had to be invited to help the motor plows succeeded as so free the traffic on the road. Spring was rainy, and for the most part summer and autumn too, so in economic terms, the year was passive compared to other years.

Economic life
In addition, economic life also suffered from the fact that many people - around half the men and also many women - went to various jobs in Germany, where they had such good earnings that everyone could send home 600 - 700 pcs a month, so they helped a lot . Firstly, because there were few people, secondly because there is a war between Germany and England, as well as between England and Italy, both farm crops have risen considerably. Thus 1q cabbage cost an average of 60 pieces, 1q potatoes averages 60 - 70 pieces, even up to 100 pieces in the spring. The price of wood compared to other years was also greatly increased. Soft wood cost 165 pieces, beech chipped (nettle) on the site of 80 - 90 pieces per 1m3. Despite these high prices, there was a scarcity of especially firewood, as there was no coal at the end of the year. By transporting wood to Kysucké Nové Mesto at the sawmill and the station, the furmans also made a nice money, as they received up to 40 pieces of import from 1m3. Although people earned enough to earn enough, there were still some poor people who had been miserable and had to set up a "Winter Aid" for them. This year the farmers also suffered a lot from the fact that there was a pig disease in the village, the so-called "Cieszyn disease".

Health and population
This year, at least from the health point of view, it was satisfactory that there was no contagious disease, except for a trachoma that had not yet emerged. It occurs especially only in school children who go to the Opportunity to the anti-dust station for treatment. In this case, it would be appropriate for citizens to pay more attention to household hygiene. From the population point of view a slight rise. There were 32 children born this year, of which 16 were boys and 16 were girls, the marriages were 5 and 17 people died, including 6 men and 11 women. Population increase is 15. Although it is a slight increase, but it is still better as if there was a very unwelcome and unpleasant stagnation, or even depopulation.

Construction activity
Due to economic conditions, the construction activity was quite lively, as 8 brick houses were built in the village, among them a new building of 4 class one-storey public school and 1 wooden house.

Since the beginning of the year there were no special events in the village, only in the second half of the year, here and there something remarkable happened. At the end of the school year, teacher Jaroslav Kuranda, who was released and admitted to school services in the Protectorate of Bohemia - Moravia, left the state folk school, and the teacher Mária Oravcová left the Roman Catholic folk school. On 31 August, after 1 and a half years of military service, teachers Zoltán Galvánek, the administrator of the Roman Catholic People's School and Michal Martiňák, a teacher of the State People's School, returned to their posts. At the beginning of the school year, a sixth grading class was established at the State People's School, to which teacher Anna Brišková was assigned. On some day of September, Jozef Frúček broke his leg in the mountain, so he had to be taken to the hospital. At the beginning of September citizen Ján Ondrejáš went to Rajec for a fair. Stuck for sale pigs. A train hit him near Rajec as he walked across the railroad car. He was very lucky because nothing had happened to him, only the car broke. The pigs spilled under the train, but nothing happened. In early October, there was a great flood that did a lot of damage. On October 21, newcomers were at war. On November 19, unknown perpetrators robbed a local store of the cooperative "Future", where they got through a block in the gable of the building. This year was the first time in the village holy mass. Worship services began on 2 December in a modified class of the Roman Catholic People's School, but since it did not suit, the Mass was continued in the newly-built state public school. Of course, people like this very much because they do not have to go to church all the way to Kysucké Nové Mesto. For those reasons dp. Dean Andrej Paldan is making a collection to build a Roman Catholic church and a new Roman Catholic People's School. On 27 December, he sold a Roman Catholic school building at a public auction. It was bought by citizen Jozef Kubica for 15.550 pcs. On the same day citizen Štefan Franek the younger broke his leg by riding on a sled that crossed his leg and broke it, so he had to be taken to the hospital. On 15 December, the census started in the village and lasted until 21 December. 1215 persons were counted, except for those who were temporarily distant. The persons of Slovak nationality were 1211, Czech 3 and German 1. The census commissioners were teachers Zoltán Galvánek and Michal Martiňák, the census inspector was teacher Alojz Eichler.

Cultural rumors
In addition to many other lectures that I have nothing to mention, I will only mention that a theater performance was held on February 4 "Devil's Mill" and in November a theater performance "Women's Law". In addition, there were many popular lectures (twice a week) and military training was (* 44) in effect until it was canceled. Otherwise, there have always been popular courses within the provisions in force.

Year 1941
The chronicle of the village was Alojz Eichler, a teacher of the Roman Catholic Folk School. The government commissioner was Tomáš Šurina, the head of the Roman Catholic People's School was Štefánia Parmová, the head notary M. Zámočník, based in Kysucké Nové Mesto and the parish priest Dr. Andrej Paldan based in Kysucké Nové Mesto.

The year 1941 began with very severe winters. In early January, the thermometer showed up to -30 degrees Celsius. Winter with its cruelty overcome the winter in 1928/29. She has done a lot of damage to the fruit trees, which have eroded many times. The number of frozen trees can be estimated at 50% - 60%. The winter was so harsh that people basked potatoes in the cellars, so some of them set up fires in cellars to prevent the potatoes from freezing. Only at the end of January there was a pause. However, winter continued in February. Only in early March allowed ice on Kysuce. Spring was cold. Warming came only in mid-May. September was very beautiful and almost always sunny. In the second half of October, there was a terrible weather that lasted until early November. In December he hit the frost and snowed. By the end of the year the winter was about -10 to -15 degrees Celsius.

Economic life
This continued to be marked by rising prices for peasant products as well as other articles in their context. When there were still 3 eggs for 1 pc around Easter, in August there was one for 70-80 halers. In December even after 1.20 pcs to 1.50 pcs for 1 piece. The price of butter in September was 1 kg for 24 pcs. Right in November, the price rose to 38 pcs to 45 pcs. These prices, indeed, were higher than those set by the Bratislava Pricing Authority. This set the price for 1 kg of peasant butter for 26 pcs. The peasants did not pay much attention to price regulation. The increase in butter prices was caused by a lack of pork ointment, a common phenomenon of war conditions. For 1q potatoes was paid in September 100 - 120 pieces. For 1 meter cubic beech wood was paid in Lieskovec 100 - 120 pieces with furmankou in the month of December. The cereal crop was normal. This was in August made records in the so-called. the economic statements that each grain producer should have. They wrote about 160 pieces. The grinding permit issued by the notary has been entered in these statements.
The introduction of the so-called "pervasive effect" in economic life was an animal monopoly called "Slovpol". The farmers could no longer freely sell their animal products, but only to the relevant commissioners of "Slovpol". Butchers could only buy from Slovpol's commissioners at a price that had been fixed by the Crop and Animal Economy Office in Bratitislav. First, pigs were traded under these new provisions. The first difficulties with this new way of selling pigs were the lack of pork in the slaughterhouse of the butchers, in towns more than in villages. The peasants were reluctant to sell their pigs, because the fixed price of the exchange seemed to them small, relative to the other animal. Article. The peasants are not at all an element causing difficulties for the moderate price index determined by the government. But this circumstance is natural. It results not only from the nature of the peasant, which is largely determined by his work, but mainly from the quite natural national economic law on supply and demand. There is always a shortage of food in the wartime situation, so there is a big demand for them and so their prices are rising. The farmer, of course, wants to use them naturally (to his liking) for his own benefit. Every pricing intervention is grumpy and glad to avoid it, often successfully.
In the month of May showed a complete lack of flour in shops. Now only the state administration proceeded to the so-called. the flour ration system. Each consumer had to log in to a particular merchant. Entry tickets were written for June, July and August, but it was not determined how much each consumer should receive. Until September, supply books were written for each consumer by a notary's office. The amount of flour for one person was set at 7 kg.

Construction activity
Finally, the desire of all citizens has been fulfilled that, thanks to the deputy Koloman Horniš, the regulation of the Lodňanka torrent was started. This year, the adjustment of the first stage in the amount of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) pieces was started. The treatment was carried out from the inlet to the house of P. Šášaja. The treatment was carried out with a concrete part and a vegetative enclosure. Construction began in June, and by the end of October an average of 25-30 local workers found work here.
This year also in the month of June began the construction of the Roman Catholic Church, which was greatly burned by the pastor Dr. Andrej Paldan. This year they put concrete foundations into the autumn and many furmans showed considerable dedication here. Otherwise, six residential houses were built.

In the month of August, Mr. Trencan doctor V. Kállay visited the village, accompanied by the deputy Koloman Horniš. They looked at the foundations of the Roman Catholic parish church. In September, the teacher H. Eichlerová, a Gender, was assigned to the Roman Catholic Folk School. Vukánová, wife of local teacher Adam Eichler, J. Reck, teacher, and M. Pálková, teacher. Translated from Lieskovec (in September) Zoltán Galvanek, doc. Director of the former Roman Catholic People's School. On January 1, M. Martiňák, a teacher, was called to permanent military service. Darina Drobanova, teacher at the Roman Catholic People's School from 25 February to 30 June.
A very important day of this year was June 21, when Slovakia joined alongside Germany in the fight against the USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics) by war. There was no general mobilization, but many citizens were called to the military service by special ballot papers. The village was quiet, all called up properly boarded. After a short period of time, many conscripts returned but nevertheless the war and the victims claimed it. In July, three citizens from Lieskovec, Vincent Sopek, single 25, Jozef Hmira, married 24, and Adam Vaňo, single 24, fell in it. According to the data of others present on the front, they fell at the Battle of Lipovets in Ukraine. There are also buried.

Cultural rumors
Cultural life was largely based on the local teaching staff. It could be said that it was bustling and content fit the mentality and level of citizenship. Lectures were held regularly. Hlinka's youth held regular meetings every 14 days with a varied program in their platoon and tribes. The highlight of this activity was a public holiday on 14 March. Her program included nice theatrical performances, choral recitations and choral singing. In the month of May it was a tree day, also a mother's day. In the same month was the advent of Hlinka youth, which was also attended by district leader Mr. Ludovit Durana. In January there was a theatrical performance "Church Tax". "First Holy Communion" included school pupils at the end of the school year. In the winter months M.O.K. organized a cooking course led by Mr. learn. Bríšková and p. learn. Reckova.

29 children were born. Twenty-eight died. Including 3 children and 25 adults.

The state of the village in 1950

Kysucký Lieskovec is a catchment area. It has 2199 inhabitants and 552 households. Since the liberation of the village by the famous Soviet army, the number of houses in the village has increased greatly. New brick houses were added in these parts of the village:

a) after Vyšná Kysuca towards the railway station in Ochodnica
(b) below Hôrky
(c) in Lower and Higher
(d) in Sihoti - beyond the Lodňanka River
(e) in the mountains - at most on the western sunny side
(f) on the right and left sides of the main road connecting Kysucký Lieskovec with the neighboring village of Lódodn.

Newly built dwellings are mostly single-story and some even two-story. The building material consists of brick and blocks of cinder and foam. They are covered with sheet metal and tile. Part of the new modern houses are built with a flat roof.
Most homes have central heating and all sanitary and other facilities. In almost every family, they have mass communication means such as radio receivers, televisions, transistors, radio recorders and somewhere have tape recorders.
The village has registered 301 televisions and 272 radio receivers. There is no family that does not own a washing machine of any type - some families own automatic washing machines (the most modern type of washing machines), a gas stove for propane butane, which they bring to us from Žilina. It is manipulated by citizen Margita Franek. In many families they have electric stoves, cookers, electric ovens, refrigerators and electric irons.
The village is connected to the general water supply. The reservoirs are built on Lalin, in the Jamy - Hlboký creek and in Spiny. The water is good and safe.
Currently, the municipality lacks the sewer system to be implemented in the next 1990s.
In the village is introduced public lighting. The whole main road, side streets, a new bridge to the railway station and the road to the cooperative buildings of ŠM (state property) are illuminated. From the new town to the railway station, a number of new houses are being built.
From the intersection to the new bridge beside the main road, a concrete pedestrian walkway is also built, which is also illuminated. The banks of the Kysuce River are connected by a new modern bridge that prides their village. There is a local radio in the village, whose network is quite dense and convenient. It has recently been expanded and refurbished. It is built in one room of the culture house. The local radio equipment is operated by Adela Rapčanová, a local cultural center - and a local national committee.

Village location
Kysucký Lieskovec has a very good geographical location. This excellent location envies her and other municipalities. Located in the northeast of Slovakia in the lower Kysuce. It is also distant from Zilina - the nearest larger town and the district town of Cadca, which is located north of our village. To Žilina is 15 km (kilometers) and to Čadca exactly as much as to Žilina. The village is situated in the central part of Kysuce. It is 5 kilometers from the nearest town of Kysucké Nové Mesto. It is 1 kilometer from the railway station Ochavice.
The Kysuca River flows through the area of ​​Kysucké Lieskovec, whose water is clear and bright. The color of the water is blue. There is also a song about it: Kysuca Kysuca cold water ... The river is rich in water in spring and autumn months. The left bank of the river is regulated to prevent the river from leaching out and leaching the soil. The river has caused many floods in the past, which occurred mostly at the end of June or in the month of July. The floods caused considerable damage to farmers. On both sides of the river was the most fertile deposit.
The acid was once rich in fish, which were hunted in large quantities. Most often, fishermen caught them in jackets. In larger quantities there were loins and slabs. The heels were of considerable weight: from 2 to 5 kilograms. Trout multiplied in mountain streams and streams. Nowadays, due to chemization and water pollution, there are very few fish and are protected by law from extinction. The present fishermen can only fish with a rod. Only the citizen who is a full member of the fishing association can fish. Catches tend to be small and rare. Big catches of fish, which fishermen measured on sacks, are just a memory today. Thirty years ago, fish was part of everyday food. The fish were dried, smoked and fried. They were traditionally dried in an oven on wicker baskets. They were an excellent delicacy and good food supplement for the poor.
Until 1969 it led through the main village, which connected Žilina with Ostrava. The road was not enough for heavy and busy traffic, so in terms of fast transport and safety, the main road was built according to the village closer to the river Kysuci.
It goes through the whole of the High and Lower Fields and Towers. There is a bus waiting room with a stop for long-distance buses. Other buses pass through the village. By long-distance buses, the village is connected to Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, Banská Bystrica, the regional capital of the Central Slovak region, Ostrava, Nitra and other towns.
The village has an altitude of 430 meters above sea level. In the east, in the south, in the north, it is surrounded by a chain of mountains of the Kysucká Highlands with the highest peaks of Pleš and Marus. In the west the village is bordered by the Javorníky Mountains with the highest peak Šerkov and Tábor.
The valley between Javorníky and Kysucká vrchovina, where Kysucký Lieskovec stretches, is quite wide and therefore the village has almost half of the land on the Kysucká depression.
The village is adjacent to the boat. The Kysuca River and the double-track railway that connects Košice with Bohumin and Prague are separated from the second neighboring neighboring village, Ochodnik, which is extended to the west. It is one of the oldest lines in Czechoslovakia (in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic).
The newly built railway station is the pride of the citizens from Ochodnice, Kysucké Lieskovec and Lodn. In the south, the village borders with Povina and in the north with Dunajove and Krasny nad Kysucou. From the county town of Banska Bystrica is a village distant rounding 100 kilometers. It connects us with the long-distance bus and railway.
Our village is adjacent to Kysucké Nové Mesto. Our village with the Kysucké Nové Mesto, Lodno and Povina has the longest neighboring neighborhood border.

Climate and Nature
The overall character of the climate is stable. We can speak of a mild climate. Four seasons alternate with mild years and winters.
The period of cold times is longer than warm. The cold season begins in the second half of October and lasts almost until May. The hottest is in late May to late September. In the month of August, the first fogs begin. Sometimes the warm weather is prolonged to the beginning of October and this is popularly called "Indian Summer". The highest temperatures were measured in July at around 30 degrees Celsius and sometimes rise higher. The lowest temperatures are in January or the first half of February. It is popularly said that Gypsy is only afraid of Groundhog, because Groundhog is at the turn of January. The lowest measured temperatures were -20 degrees Celsius or less.
There is plenty of water precipitation in the winter or summer. Only rarely does it rain little in summer or less snow in winter. Sometimes 2,000 millimeters of rain fall, which fall in the form of rain, snow, hail, dew and innovation.
Kysuce is ranked among the regions with the highest average rainfall. It is said that Kysuce is the wettest corner in Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic). Most rainfall will fall during storms or prolonged rainfall. In winter it sometimes snows up to 1.5 meters in places. Huge snowdrifts arise. At other times, snow-free winters with strong holy frosts prevail. The climate in our region is influenced by the following factors: winds, altitude, mountain ranges and their direction.
There are winds: west, east, north and south.
The western winds are bringing to us the rain. They reduce heat in summer and frost in winter. The north winds are cold. Our village stands in the way of the north wind and therefore its inhabitants feel especially in spring, autumn and winter. It is said that the northerner cleaves to the bones.
East winds are dry and bring warming especially in spring. They dry the soil. In winter they are very cold and also dry. Under the influence of eastern winds in our country the character of the inland climate. The summers are hot and dry at that time - poor in rainfall - winters are rough and freezing and also without rain. Folkly it is said that what summer, so cold. When it is hot summer, it will be very cold. At that time, the sky is clear without clouds, summer or winter. When this climate prevails in our country, citizens enjoy a good harvest. Our region is mostly potato. Potatoes do not tolerate much moisture, and therefore the potato crop is best when the summer is dry and warm.
The southern winds are weak and do not affect the weather in our country. The southern winds stand in the way of high-lying mountains that capture them. Sometimes the weather also has its whims. There are sometimes few sunny and warm days. At that time the weather is dry and humid, influenced by the ocean.
The months of July and August tend to be most favorable, warmest. At that time, young and elderly people rush to Kysuce, where they either sunbathe and bask in the sun or bathe in pure flowing Kysuce water. Its trough is no longer as clean and deep as it used to be. They are also so summer that it is not possible to bathe.

The soil in our area is of the following composition: brown soil, of which there are very few and is found in the lowest sediments of Kysuce. Brown is the most fertile soil - popularly known cabbage soil.
It is situated on the lowland on both sides of the Kysuce River. It will produce good and quality potatoes. In the past, people also sowed wheat, barley, rye, cabbage, vegetables and other fodder crops.
In most of the area there is a subzole and in several places even a cuddly clay, which is mostly of yellow, blue-gray, violet, blue and gray. However, the color is yellow. People call yellow clay and dead clay - a corpse. It is the most inferior soil in the area. A very good and plump sub-zone is located in Kopanice, behind Stav, Žiar, Hraničná and Lán. Clay soil is found mainly behind Mokraďa, Pod Lánom, Láně, Dubenom, Prevrati, Kováčov, Horské, nad Riekou, Kubicovej hřích and elsewhere.

Higher places, slopes of hills that rise above the surrounding village are forested mostly coniferous forests in which prevail: spruce, boron, fir and places thrive even red spruce. However, it is very few and is therefore protected by the state. Deciduous forests include: oak, beech, hornbeam, poplar, linden, willow. They are significantly less than evergreen trees and are therefore protected from extinction. Some slopes are covered with pine trees and other wild vegetation. The non-forested slopes are covered by pastures. The largest pastureland is in the Jams, between Briešky - holes, in Kováčov, behind Kysuce, in Kaňov, in Rovne, in Žiar and in Lopušná. Pasture areas have decreased compared to the past. What remained, they adjusted, grubbed and fertilized. Some have forested. Other felling parts of the forest are also afforested with young growth that is carefully protected.
The areas of the meadows that were the source of hay were also reduced. After treatment - amelioration - they became arable land. Such amelioration procedure was carried out in our village in various parts of the area: in Stava, Lana, Jamy, in front Hranicne and Horky. Now there are grown cereals and potatoes.

In our surrounding forests this characteristic game lives: roe deer, foxes, field rabbits, wild boars, which have grown very recently, badgers - live in our forests only sporadically. Very rarely, the Bear can wander into our forests. Rarely occurs a feature that does great damage to forest animals. It is also a scare for people, for it also attacks man. In the woods we will also see marten, common marten and squirrel.
From the reptiles here lives: the spindle, which is located on the higher slopes facing the sun. Stone masses are her home. It is very toxic. Citizens are very afraid of her. A snake that lives in lower and damp places is also very widespread in our country. Citizens are afraid of her, though not poisonous and killing her. In doing so, it is very useful. Blind and various species of lizards live around the forests.

The following known birds live in human homes, in the field and in the nearby forests: migratory and non-migratory. Among the migratory birds live here: swallows, almost the most popular among citizens, pinky - females, fawn thrush, mussel, starling, shark, trachiness, fisherman, bagpipe, cuckoo, jay, kuvik, canoe, hawk, crow, raven, magpie, turtle , tit , sparrow, owl, bat, goldfinch, seagulls (they have been with us for about 15 years), wild pigeons, domestic pigeons, jarabice, quail, strings, sparrows, feathers, yellowness, black thrush, woodpecker, squirrel and others. Some of them do not move and winter with us.

In addition to birds, there are various pests in human homes, gardens and fields: the most common is the house mouse and field mouse, mole, ground squirrel, hamster, rat, polecat, weasel - in our village the folk name "Minka weasel", common marten, whisker and other. Some are a scare for pets. Rats and mice are now widespread in some places. People must continually fight it.

Medicinal plants
There are many medicinal plants in the area. People collect them, dry them and brew healing decoctions - tea - from the diseases. I will mention only the most well-known and most collected: rapesees, which are declining and lost because people are not able to collect them, sausage - treats all diseases, béz (baza black), gentian, heather, pulmonary, hawthorn, darts, alchemilka, polynka, linden tree, primrose, primrose, dandelion, bloody chamomile, coltsfoot, horsetail, thistle, strawberry, raspberry leaf, blackberry leaf - blackberry, sloe, blackcurrant leaf, blueberry, acacia flower and others.

Fruit trees
In the gardens, orchards and fields dominate the following fruit trees: apples, pears, plums - Bystričky. There are also rare cherries, cherries and nuts. Current gardeners only grow low-fruit trees. Various pears, apple trees, plums - plans - that are almost extinct, grow wildly among the beds on the slopes. People bark them and don't save them.

Shrubs are grown in gardens and gardens. At present, their cultivation has become widespread. They are located in any garden or garden. These include: gooseberries, currants, red raspberries, blackcurrants, garden strawberries. The harvest of garden strawberries is very good.

Forest berries
In our forests, on their slopes and in the fields, the following forest fruits grow: black raspberries - blackberries are the most widespread. Of the surrounding villages, they are the most in our country. They are: beyond the State, in Uhliskay, in Žiar, in Kopanice and elsewhere. They are now widely collected and sought after for their healing effects. They are collected by visitors from all around the world, from Žilina, even from Moravia and Bohemia. Furthermore, red raspberries grow here. They are located in Uhliska and Kosiar. Around the area grow field strawberries, sloes, darts, hogs, pines, blueberries - sporadically on Pleš.

In the surrounding forests, the following types of fungi occur and grow: common mushrooms, oak mushrooms, biscuit mushrooms, chickens , chickens, edible bedrock , boletus, butcher, butcher, sinine, cossack, mushrooms, maypoles, deer, foams, morel, various kinds of floats, dairy, raw, juniper. From the poisonous fungi in our forests grow: different types of toadstools, satan mushrooms and others. Edible mushrooms are very rare and sought after. Their number has decreased significantly over the last twenty - thirty years. Citizens use them raw - fresh - or dry and sterilize them.

With increased hygiene almost died: cockroaches, bugs, fleas, various kinds of lice. If they are, they rarely.

Municipality description
The village has built houses on both sides of the main road. Its built-up area is in the form of a triangle. Spread over a large area. Certain parts of the village also have their specific names such as Berešich, Bútorych, under Lán, behind Lán, pod Hôrkami, in the Field, in the Alley, under Kopanice, in Horky, Hliniska, near Šutovce, behind the river and others. /> There are no spas or isolated houses distant from the headquarters. In the past, the village had cholvarky . Today, only the name of the place - in the Cholvarks - was left behind.
The village has several important buildings. Among the most important are: Basic nine-year school with the whole campus (gym, workshops, kitchen, youth club) and with two apartments for school workers (six-apartment buildings), kindergarten, which was very nicely renovated and adapted to the needs of children who attend it. It also includes a local church, a newly built rectory, a culture house (KD), a building of the local national committee (MNV), a national health institute (ÚNZ) and a firehouse.
On the church there is a commemorative plaque on which are written the names of those citizens who fell in World War I and World War II. The following citizens were killed in World War I: Ján Ďuraj, Ján Kubica, Ján Frišo, Štefan Minárik, Ondrej Ficek, Adam Macášek, Adam Konušík, Ján Pecko, Michal Králik, Michal Slíž and Ondrej Sidor.
In the Second World War, they died: Jozef Hmíra, Vincent Sopek, Jozef Panák, Tomáš Vaňo and Justín Ficek.
There are nine crosses and the tenth in the cemetery. They are mostly wooden. The village has very old stone houses that are more than two hundred years old. They are built of stone and clay with very massive walls. It is the house of Fickov, Poliaček, Kubicov, Dragoň, Ďuroškov and Dupkalka (current public catering establishments)
The cemetery is located on Láň, in an elevated position in the middle of the village. On the cemetery is a chapel, which also has a bell tower with two small bells, which announce the death of our citizens living and living in and outside the village. At the present time a water main has been introduced to the cemetery. The graves are set with flowers that need to be watered during the summer. He is also thinking about sounding a cemetery. The Civil Affairs Corps organizes farewells to deceased citizens at the cemetery.
In the village there is a general water supply, telephone, which is introduced in office buildings, shops, schools, and in private apartments. There is no new or old building where there is no electricity that is used for different purposes. Buses run through the village. There is a bus stop at the crossroads - on the square - in front of the PSO. The same bus stop is also behind the village on the main road. The Ochodnica Train Station is 1 km from the village. The village is connected by bus to Ostrava, Čadca, bystrická dolina, Orava, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Bratislava and neighboring village Lodno, which is far from the village nearly four kilometers.
The village has 527 house numbers. There are 502 brick houses and 25 wooden houses in the village. Twenty wooden houses are inhabited and five uninhabited. The old wooden houses and basins disappear one by one. Many do not serve their purpose.
The cadastre of the village is quite large. It occupies 1200 hectares. 96% (percent) of land is managed by State Property (SM). The rest of the land is cultivated by private farmers, there are 21 farmers in the village and farmers. SM management results are good. The yields per hectare are much higher than they were in the past and higher than the yields of private farmers. SM have a rich machinery, which is equipped with the latest technology. Soil tillage has also proved its worth on Kysuce stony soil. The cultivated soil is mainly grown: wheat, barley, oats, potatoes - most. State property also grows corn for green or silage. Green corn is doing well with us. In addition, clover, mix and other fodder are also produced in our country. In addition to the characteristic crops, private farmers and peasants grow to a lesser extent wheat, rye, fodder root (burgundy, gouache), cabbage, poppy, beans and various vegetables such as onion, garlic, carrot, parsley, celery, lettuce and kale. all for your own supply.
The state property owns 180 bovine animals (HD) and two pairs of horses. They are currently not well specialized in pig breeding, although pig breeding has been carried out in the past. However, production was unprofitable. Nowadays, they focus on rearing poultry - small chickens and thus gain 96,000 crowns per year. Small chicken trade is very profitable.
Private farmers and citizens are engaged in breeding draft horses (but only in small quantities), barbecue farms, sheep, goats, pigs, hens, geese, ducks and occasionally turkeys.
The character of the village is worker's. The craft production is small and consists of blacksmithing, joinery, basketry, tailoring and boxing. There are no trades, private business. Trade is state and cooperative. Economy and business socialist.
In the building near Kysuce, which was purchased by the Local National Committee (MNV), is located Pattern Dressing. The leading tailor is the citizen Viera Paršová. In addition to tailoring there is also the sale of furniture and textiles. The leader is again our citizen Štefánia Šimíková. There was also a shoe repair. The leader was Peter Povinec from Ochodnice. Currently, the shoe repair has been canceled. Citizens have to repair their shoes to Kysucké Nové Mesto. There is also a repair shop for televisions, radios and other electrical appliances. These operations are managed by the District Industrial Company in Čadca (OPP).
In the old school building at the upper end of the village is located Barber shop - hairdresser, Collection of clothes and Youth Club SZM - Slovak Youth Union. Nowadays, there will be established a Folk School of Art - a music school where piano and accordion will be taught. The head of Barbershop and hairdresser is our citizen Lýdia Černáková.

Municipality management
Local National Committee (MNV) consists of 29 deputies, chairman of MNV - Justin Shamaj, vice-chairman of MNV - Stefan Parsa and secretary of MNV - Pavel Mesticky.
The MNV Council has 9 members. There are three commissions at the MNV: Public Order, Finance and Agricultural Commission.

The Village Organization of the Communist Party of Slovakia (DO-KSS) has 76 registered members. The chairman of DO-KSS has been Justín Tatarčiak, the local director of the Elementary Nine School (ZDŠ) for many years.
The following members were elected to the District National Committee in Čadca (ONV): František Chupáč and Mária Konušíková, representing their voters.
Michal Turčák from Ochodnice was elected to the Regional National Committee (KNV) in Banská Bystrica for our village.

MNV plenary
The MNV plenary consists of the following elected deputies: Pavol Mesticky, Justin Samaj, Stefan Parso, Slavomir Bielik, Frantisek Poliak, Ondrej Chily, Tomas Kubanek, Stefan Vrabel, Justin Chupac, Juraj Suty, Ludovit Rabbit, Stefan Cerk, Justin Sutrel, Ludovit Red this year and additional elections have not yet taken place), Katarína Kubánková, Anna Švábiková, Štefánia Michná, Štefánia Čuntalová, Mária Tatarčiaková, Božena Nemčeková, Anna Jankovská, Dagmar Konušíková, Marek Švábik, Ľudovít Vajdik, Ján Šurina, Marián Šutý, Alojz Pagáč, Ján Kristek and Anna Kečková.

The village has 2124 inhabitants according to the last census of 1971. According to MNV records it has 2199 inhabitants. Citizens are predominantly of Slovak nationality and nationality Czechoslovakia (Czechoslovak Socialist Republic).
In the municipality, the largest number of workers prevails, then the working intelligence and private-farming peasants who did not sign their land for the joint cultivation of the JRD (united peasant cooperative) or the SM (state property). These include: Rudolf Surina, Filip Koprna, Stefan Bugan, Justin Ondrejas, Rozalia Kinierova, Julia Sustekova, Ondrej Franek, Justina Konusikova, Vincent Kocur, Ignat Janek, Eduard Suty, Ludovit Rabbit, Anna Tatarcakova, Tomas Poliak, Vincent Koprna, Veronika Paršová, Anton Kinier, Magdalena Paršová, Štefan Šprlák, Justín Paršo, who surrendered his land in 1969 and offered it to ŠM.
The only private farmer Rudolf Šurina lives from the soil. Other citizens live from land and employment or from land and retirement. More than half a hectare will be owned by the following citizens: Matej Hmir, Ľudovít Trúchly, Martin Švaňa, Jolana Jakubcová, Peter Šamaj, Ladislav Šidlo and Ján Šutý.

Village construction
The construction of the municipality currently consists in the construction of Tribune, which is already being completed and is being built by TJ (Sports Unity) with MNV. It is built on the field near Kysuce, where football matches take place. A large propane-butane gas warehouse is being built in Sihoti. Next year the construction of the House of Services is to begin. At the same time, regulation is being repaired and the bed of the lower part of the Lodňanka River is cleaned. The road to the cemetery and the Monument to Kysuca is expanding.
Individual housing construction is much more developed. The village has a large number of houses under construction. Most new houses were added below Hôrky and Kopanice. The immense aid for individual housing construction consists in the allocation of non-repayable loans of up to forty - fifty thousand crowns or in non-repayable interest-free loans and other various assistance to young married couples.

Folk Creativity
The folk songs have been preserved in the village by an oral tradition from tribe to tribe, which are still singing on various occasions due to their beautiful melody and lyrics.
The most famous folk songs include: Through Lieskovec bright water flows ... Lieskovec, Lieskovec village in the valley ... In that Lieskovec well, in that Lieskovec healthy ... Through the hazelnut castle road ... In Lieskovec on the top ... Sing you're a girl ... I'll take another look ... For that one apple, for that one pear ... Play me for the violin ... The moon is shining on our hump ... Oh sit down, sit down, sweetheart ... What it's for the green grass ... For the barn of ours ... Janko shot a scorpion ... On the hill of Kysuce ... Whether the bells ring ... Let's go ... Goodbye to the owner ... Wide jar, bright vodička ... In the deep valley of the roe deer drinks water ... In the green mountain ... When I sing on the top of the rock ... Have a good time ... and others.
Old typical Kysuce dances disappeared except for some. Only a small group of old people can dance them. Typical old hazel dance was broom dance, dress dance, jumpy dance, czardas and cross polka. Until today, the most popular dance is broom dance. The rhythm of the old dances was slower, the movements supple.

Customs and customs
The old customs and habits of Kysuce were very nice and abundantly applied, preserved and respected. There are still some, but they are less respected.
There are traditions of Easter: watering - dressing - or joking with mugs - a gallows, which consist of visiting young men in girls, young men in young women. The consequence is retirement: snacks, egg collection for watering and joking. On Green Thursday, when the bells sound, people quickly run away to wash with cold water from the stream to keep them fresh and healthy all year long. On May 1, a traditional May, the main, municipal, is built in the village in front of the MNV building. It is built mostly by members of ZPO (Fire Protection Corps - firefighters). At the end of the month, May "roll", the musicians win around the village, especially at the houses where they have girls who dance in front of the house with the young men. In the evening there is a big May festivity, organized by those who built and rolled May. Smaller maypoles are built at several houses where they have a girl. The number of May has decreased significantly compared to the past. May peaks are richly decorated with varicoloured crepe paper. The pedestals of May are peeled from the bark. The habit of St. Nicholas is preserved. It consists of visiting Nicholas in families either personally or invisibly at night. Children still put clean shoes in the skirts. Parents are in charge of making gifts.
On December 13th, the custom of Lucy is preserved. Lucie makes personal visits to the houses. Sometimes there are several groups. They carry with them wings of gooses, sweeping dust and dirt out of their homes before Christmas is coming. In some families, lead is still poured into the water and, according to the lead shapes, fortune tells the present and the future.
Christmas customs are almost the richest. Apples are cut at Christmas Eve. When cutting, care should be taken to ensure that the apple cuts well and the core is not damaged. If the kernel was damaged, it meant something bad and unpleasant - death within a year.
Furthermore, the media faces household members, handles, and even pets. As a rule, mother is mother, which means affirmation of love between neighbors and animals. Handles the media so that only good people visit the house all year round.
Also, Christmas Eve is swept away, which is brought to the courtyard, stood on them and listened to incoming sounds from all sides. If she's a single girl and she hears music, she goes out in a year. He'll have a man from where to hear music. Where there is a dog howling, there will be a fire. Where corn crackers burst, there will be a funeral.
Under the Christmas tree at Christmas dinner was put: grain, potatoes, beans, money and others. This meant that the money in the house would never be missing, that it would be a good and plentiful crop next year. On Christmas Eve, there were even singing under the illuminated clouds. They were singing Christmas carols for retired. This habit is still traditional, but to a small extent - sporadically. The custom of the midnight mass, which takes place at the turn of Christmas Eve and God's birth - at midnight, is well preserved. The decoration of the holidays is the Christmas tree, which is truly beautifully decorated in every home. It is not missing in any house.
Traditionally, the following dishes are served at the Christmas Eve: fried fish - Christmas Eve carp, wafers with honey, various fruits, beans, peas, cabbage with dried mushrooms, dry plums, nuts, southern fruits and others. On the feast of God's birth, no visits could be made to foreign homes. And if they had to go to a foreign household, only bread or cake, so that they do not get bad in the new year. However, the visit was not allowed to take place in a fur coat, as some domestic animal would have died. The fur coat had to be left outside the house.
On New Year's Eve - 31 December - the custom is kept: thank you in the church for the happy New Year's Eve. In the evening there are big and festive festivities, celebrations of the year, visits to various cultural and other events such as the New Year. The congratulations ceremony starts after the twelve o'clock. Then the New Year will be inaugurated. Almost the majority of the population spend New Year's Eve at TV sets. The television program is particularly engaging and entertaining.
For the New Year, once again, it was not allowed to enter a foreign household, for all the misfortune that had affected that household was to be caused by a poor misfortune. Nobody believes it today.
On the Feast of the Three Kings, the church is holy with water, which is brought to the home to protect people from disease and other misfortunes. Water was once the first medicine for diseases. It is no longer used.
Candles are lit on Groundhog Day to protect the home from storms, lightning, thunder and hail. In times of heavy thunderstorms, candles are lit. Only some families maintain this habit - especially the elderly.
At the end of winter, on Black Sunday, Morena, the goddess of winter, once drowned. Today, the habit is no longer preserved, although it was a nice and interesting Slavic ceremony. He was up to date 30 years ago. Many customs disappear and die.
Wedding habits and customs were also enough. I will mention at least some. The young man once carried a bundle with him to the church: bread, salt and money. All for happiness and wealth. There were also some medicinal herbs that were supposed to protect the young couple from various diseases. After the oath, the young bride should not have spoken to her husband first, for she would have had to talk to him all her life. On the contrary, she was supposed to step on her partner's toe, so that he would be under his slipper all his life. If the young woman went for the bride, she was not allowed to climb to the threshold of the mother-in-law to prevent her mother-in-law from giving up, to mismanage.
After the marriage, the young couple were welcomed at home: bread, honey and milk. The young couple held on to the bread until he sat behind the top of the table. Bread meant - wealth, honey - love, milk - abundance in the stables. When the young couple got out of the house, they sprinkled them with grain to make them rich and have an abundance of everything.
At the wedding reception, young people were chosen according to local customs "in a wreath" or "on a plate", "on a towel". Money was a bailout for a young couple. This custom is abundantly maintained at present, as is the custom of welcoming with bread and honey. Other customs are rare.
At death, the habit - kar - funeral feast as well as the sweeping of garbage from the room where the dead lay were preserved. Sweeping out garbage meant the definitive departure of death from the house.
It is still a custom to baptize newborns in a church. Only some progressive families are baptizing their neonates at the MNV (Local National Committee). This ceremonial as it is called "Welcome Children to Life", which is transferred with the utmost seriousness. It is a matter of ZPOZ (Civil Affairs Corps). ZPOZ is chaired by Anna Jankovská and secretary Oľga Ďurajová, who is also a general registrar.
Even some progressive couples tie their fate to MNV. This ceremony also happens with great esteem and seriousness. The fate of all young people who have decided to go their way together through life is bound by the chairman of the MNV - Justín Šamaj. The ceremonies are held in a very nice marriage room at the MNV. In addition to the chairman of the MNV, the ceremony also includes: Anna Jankovská, ZPOZ Chairwoman, Olga Ďurajová, General Registrar, Anna Kečková ZPOZ Member, Tomáš Belák, photographer and also plays organ and band Maria Čuntalová, who recites poems.

Town dialing
The village has a distinctive dialect. Preserved and commonly spoken by the elderly of the village. Rumor has it that rumors are screaming. Demo: go, give, nace, budze, sunday, game, digger, cart, trough, trolleys, paint, repair, singer, wood, carrier, buyer but chicken, beef.
Much is also used hard de: for example, bachelor or my baby.
The Lieskov dialect is no longer pure, but is infected with the hard Lodňany dialect.
Words with le (just, because, summer, king, love, leaves, green, folk, or, flax, free and others) are pronounced incorrectly hard. Words are also spoken incorrectly: kelo, body - instead of how much, so much. Words with lengths are also misspelled (flour - torture, serve - serve, wise - wise, love - love, etc.)
The young and middle generations speak little with dialect, although dialect elements are also transferred to school and difficult to remove. I can boldly say that the hardest talk in the lower Kysuce is in Lodne and Kysucky Lieskovec.
There are already many foreign immigrants from other villages (men, women) speaking their dialects. They mostly do not switch to the hazel dialect. With the retirement of old people, the hazel dialect also disappears and dies.

In the past, there were more basket makers in the village who woven wicker and baskets. There were more jizars, wheelwrights, wire and lyre river makers. This craft production also ceases. Only handmade wicker baskets remained. They are made in several houses. Wicker baskets are needed in every household, in agriculture when digging potatoes. Some manufacturers also make them for sale, but in smaller quantities. They offer the baskets either in the village or they sell them on the market in the district town of Čadca. Frozen baskets are made very little. Their production is more complicated and expensive. Manufacturers do not rely on income from basket baskets. They are usually made only to order. The production of lynxed baskets is carried out by citizen Justín Škulák and Adam Šutý.
The production of wire and lychee rivers ceased with the socialization of the village. The river was made by poor Justín Mičian in the past.
There are two blacksmiths in the village: Eduard Poliaček and Ondrej Rajtek, two carpenters: Štefan Martikán and Peter Šutý. Joinery is a secondary job for them.
Adam Koprna, Štefan Šutý and Comrade Kongol are still involved in child production.
Carpentry is performed by: Adam Koprna and Ján Paršo.
Cabbage knives are best made by Simon Beliančin.
Agricultural tools: rakes, wood and iron forks, boxes, carts, hoes and others made by: Ondrej Paršo with his son Eduard and Simon Beliančin. Marek Švábik is engaged in tile production, but in small quantities. In the past, the production was carried out by the poor Ján Poliaček, who had customers from all over the district. Tile production is currently unprofitable and does not match the quality of factory production. Metal plate pushed the tile into the background.
Tailors are in the village of three. It is Justín Chupáč, Ľudovít Kubánek and Štefan Tatarčiak. Tailoring is their primary job. The first two do not work privately, although they live at home. They are included in the socialist sector. Amateurs - Lace is in the village a lot. The tailor Viera Paršová works in the socialist sector.
Professional amateur repair of radios and television sets are dealt with by the following citizens: Ignác Halúska - radios, Miroslav Šurina, Milan Chupáč, Stanislav Rajdík and Dušan Hmíra deal with repair of television sets.
The clock is repaired by Rudolf Šupol and Filip Koprna.
Prickly enameled pots of pickle: Cyril Šupol and Móric Kanitra.
There are still many trained and untrained bricklayers, electricians, locksmiths, curators, plumbers, painters - painters, butchers, waiters, cooks, vendors, miners, turners, milling cutters, professional drivers, roofers and others.

Political life in the village
All political life in the village is managed and directed by the Village Organization of the Communist Party of Slovakia (DO-KSS). DO-KSS in Kysucky Lieskovec has 76 members registered. The chairman of DO-KSS is Justín Tatarčiak, the local long-term director of ZDŠ. He comes from the neighboring village of Lodna, where he lives.
All other policy elements are grouped together in the NF (National Front). The chairman of the NF is a member of the party - Jozef Čuntala. The NF consists of the following political elements: the Czechoslovak Red Cross (ČSČK). This folder has the most registered members. The chairman of the ČSČK is Marek Švábik.
TJ - the chairman of TJ is Jozef Pagáč.
The Slovak Women's Association has 71 members registered. The chairperson of SZZ is Anna Švábiková, a teacher at ZDŠ.
The Slovak Youth Association (SZM) brings together all young people from the age of 15. The chairman is Bohuslav Paršo.
The Fire Protection Corps (ZPO) also has many registered members. The Chairman of the ZPO is Justín Chupáč. Commander is Ján Šutý. The association is led by Vladimír Paršo.
The guerrillas, who were direct participants in the Slovak National Uprising (SNP), are united in the Union of anti-fascist fighters (ZPB). Juraj Šutý is the chairman of the file. The folder is quite young.
Friends of the Soviet Union are united in the Union of Czechoslovak - Soviet Friendship (ZČSP). The component is led by Július Rapčan, a local school teacher.
Nature lovers are members of the Association of Slovak Gardeners (ZSZ). The chairman of the file is Albin Mihalda.
Beekeepers are associated in the Association of Slovak Beekeepers (ZSV). Beekeeper Ján Švábik is the chairman of bee lovers.
Unity - Consumer Cooperative (J-SD) has about 600 members rounded in the village. Members, cooperatives are led and directed by the Local Supervisory Committee (ICE). The chairman of ICE is Jozef Čuntala.
There is a Civil Affairs Corps (ZPOZ) established in the village. ZPOZ is chaired by Anna Jankovská - teacher.
All political elements associated in the NF, as well as others, help to implement and implement the KSČ policy. They help in building and improving the village. They participate in the implementation of the election program. Through their planned work, they contribute to raising the living and cultural standards of all citizens.
In the village we have established a municipal register, which is led by the general registrar - Olga Durajova. The register is very young, but our citizens are very grateful to have it at home. Previously, our village belonged to the register in Radol and later in Ochodnica. Our register also includes the neighboring village - Lodno.

Cultural life for citizens
In our village there are good conditions for cultural enjoyment and satisfaction of every citizen. Citizens can still visit the cinema Vesmír with regular screenings of film performances. The film shows three times a week: Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, at 7:30 in the evening. Appropriate and accessible films are screened for school children on Sunday afternoon or afternoon. Visiting film shows is quite good, although in every home there is a radio and television receiver, which is the source of the so-called slipper culture.
The Cinema Space is steadily located in the KD building. Seats are 240. Heating is central. The premises are clean and well maintained. The cinema employs five people. The director of the cinema is Adela Rapčanová, an employee of the local cultural center.
Every household can get a book, which can be borrowed from the Municipal Library, which is located in one room KD (culture house). The room is located on the floor.
Books from the library are loaned twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday from 16:00 - 18:00. The library has 2800 all the books that are available to our citizens who are interested in them. There are 1.5 books per citizen. The general library is also frequently visited by pupils from the elementary school.
There is a large pupil library in the elementary nine-year school. From it, our pupils borrow books according to need and interest. The pupil's library is led by comrade teacher Anna Frančiaková and Mária Rišková. Anna Frančiaková has books for pupils from the 1st to the 5th year and Mária Rišková from the 6th to the 9th year. Books are rented once a week.
In addition to the pupils' library, there is also a rich teacher library. S. teachers have over a thousand books at their disposal. Books prevail: professional, educational and political. Books serve with. teachers (comrade teachers) to deepen professional, pedagogical and political knowledge, skills. They help them to improve the educational process. The teaching library is led by Angela Kolláriková, a teacher at the elementary school. Books from libraries are borrowed mainly in autumn and winter months. This applies mostly to the municipal library.
In the village is founded amateur amateur club. The members of the club rehearse a theater play for the audience every year. The theater has a good tradition in the village. Citizens like to come to theater performances. The most popular games in the audience are: drama or comedy. The audience is demanding on the performances of the actors. We can talk about the viewer's maturity. The actors who perform most often in the theater are citizens. These include: Štefan Šutý, Ľudovít Kubánek, Jakub Šutý, Ján Sidor, Pavol Bršlík, Milan Chupáč, Štefan Černák, Justín Tatarčiak, Milan Masaryk, Anna Švábiková, Melánia Švábiková - Funiaková, Karolína Macejková, Viera Sidorová - Šutá, Anna Jankovská, Tomáš Belák and others. The directors of the plays are: Justín Tatarčiak, Anna Švábiková and Ondrej Frančiak. One of the theatrical comedies was also practiced by Peter Povinec from Ochodnice.
Our citizens learn about the latest news, interesting facts and innovations through MR (local radio). A radio ring is set up at the local radio. The members of the circle broadcast various programs for citizens (political updates, recent events from home and abroad, civic life and others). The head of the radio group is Magdaléna Mihaldova - Kolibačová, local school teacher.
The village has a large elementary school nine years. In addition to the pupils of our village, there are overseas pupils from the neighboring village of Lodna, including pupils of the 5th grade. The school has 23 classes with a total of 570 trained pupils.
The pupils are taught, educated and prepared for life by a thirty-two-member teaching team headed by comrade director Justin Tatarčiak and deputy director Tomáš Belák. The local school has the longest working with. teachers: Anna Švábiková - 25 years, Justín Tatarčiak - 24 years, Júlia Zelinová - 20 years, Štefánia Vajdíková - 17 years. Currently, our comrade teachers are working at our school: Justin Tatarciak, Tomas Belak, Anna Svabikova, Julia Zelinova, Stefan Vajdikova, Anna Grisova, Anna Franciakova, Ondrej Franciak, Anna Suta, Eva Vojtasova, Magdalena Mihaldova, Angelika Kollarikova, Emilia Gabriela Weissová, Viera Frančovičová, Elena Adámková, Elena Žideková, Mária Rišková, Alexandra Búriová, Otília Lašová, Jana Jančigová, Juraj Pospíšil, Mária Pospíšilová, Elena Horňáčková, Ľubomír Horňáček, Viera Medvecká, Šimon Vajdík, Július Rapčanová, Anna , Elena Tatarciakova - Chylakova, Ludmila Horvathova. Zita Kmeťová - pioneer manager. It has been working with us for many years. Magdaléna Srnánková works at the school as a school administrative worker. In addition to teaching staff are at school: janitor - Dominik Suty, housekeepers: Maria Pavlikova, Vilma Parsova and Rozalia Buganova The school canteen: Štefania Lomčíková - main cook, Maria Konušíková and p. Šutá - auxiliary forces.
Our school gave to the company: one doctor - Ľudovít Šurina, two veterinarians: Ľubomír Ondrejáš, Jozef Bielik, engineers: Martin Franek, Alojz Pagáč, Olga Chupáčová, Štefan Ficek, Štefan Dragoňová, Bozena Frišová, Jarmila Paršová, Darina Rajteková, Pavol Šadlák, lawyer : Milan Palkovič, teachers: Magdaléna Mihaldová - grade 1 - 5 nursery school, Otília Lašová - Šutá - grade 6 - 9 (MF) nursery school. Ľudmila Horvátová - Paršová - grade 1 - 5, elementary school, Ľudovít Kolibač - grade 6 - 9, elementary school, Božena Paršová, kindergarten teacher, Mária Chupáčová, kindergarten teacher Katarína Katrenčinová - Kavčiaková, kindergarten teacher, Darina Kubánková, teacher kindergarten. In addition to the aforementioned, there are a larger number of pupils who have completed secondary and vocational schools, or attend apprenticeships. Many are university and university students. Many study alongside their jobs - distance learning.
Every pupil of our school and even of our whole socialist society has the right to free education, the right to self-realization for the benefit of himself and the whole society. Depending on interest, ability, talent and talent, he can study and educate at all kinds and levels of schools. These are the great advantages of a socialist school over schools in capitalist countries.
A youth group is also set up at the elementary school. It is attended by pupils of employed mothers. It is an all-day provision of pupils from grades 1-5. The youth group is led by comrade teacher Helena Žideková. It is attended by 30 pupils. The space where the party is located is unsatisfactory for such a large number. He is thinking about setting up a second class.
A very nice and modern kindergarten (kindergarten) has been set up in the old renovated school building. It is one of the most beautiful and finest in Kysuce.
It is rounded up to 100 children from 3 to 6 years of age. The school has 4 classes. Operation of kindergarten (kindergarten) is all day from 7:00 - 17:00. The director of the nursery school is Eva Pijáková, who comes from the neighboring village of Ochodnice. He currently lives in Žilina and attends school daily. There are 8 nursery teachers at the school: Eva Pijáková, kindergarten director, Mária Tatarčiaková, deputy headmaster, Božena Paršová, teacher Mária Chupáčová, teacher Pavlína Hmírová, teacher Katarína Katrenčinová, teacher Justína Hurtošová, teacher Mária Fri. The longest at school he works with. teacher Pavlína Hmírová, who has been at the school for over 20 years. That year he is already on the well-deserved rest - retirement. He has been working in school services for over 30 years.
In the kindergarten canteen: Rozália Hašpicová, head cook, Elena Dinis - second cook and comrade Mihaldová - auxiliary force in the kitchen. Filip P. Kurič is Ľudovít Králik. They work as cleaners: Justína Bugáňová and comrade Konušíková.
Our schools do not only fulfill the educational and teaching role, but are also the source and bearer of cultural activities in the village. They are co-organizers of celebrations, important anniversaries and public holidays.
School educators work in all NF (National Front) units. They organize parental discussions and academies. They also work in the radio circle. They are directors of children's theater and adult theater. At the elementary school, the ZS (choir singing) ring of pupils of the 1st - 9th grade is established. Ring leads with. teacher Alexandra Búriová. Pupils of the local school perform and perform at various school and district celebrations. All the party program is provided by the school.
The Children's Theater Circle has been leading for years. teacher Anna Švábiková. Various other interest groups are still in place at the school. Here, pupils can develop their talents and abilities. They are: dance, dramatic, singer, sports rings, skilful hands, ring ČSČK (Czechoslovak Red Cross), natural history and others. Our pupils also participate in district competitions and thus represent the school and the village outside.
At the SZŠ (Slovak Women's Association), a folklore group of women is established, led by Anna Švábiková, a teacher at the elementary school. The folklore group performs occasionally at various celebrations inside and outside the village. The following singers work in the group: Melánia Švábiková - Funiaková, Elena Holáňová, Maria Mihaldová, Karolína Macejková, Adela Paršová, Viera Franeková, Štefánia Tučeková, Veronika Horníková, Štefánia Gašperáková, Viera Masaryková. The group owns 10 old hazel costumes, which it purchased from its MNV. However, they are owned by the MKS (Local Cultural Center).
The NF (National Front) forces organize various cultural or homeland tours for the members of our homeland, even abroad.
Nowadays, the Folk School of Art was founded in the village. It is located in the old school building at the upper end of the village. Pupils can learn to play 4 musical instruments: piano, accordion, violin, trumpet. There is also a preparatory year where pupils learn to learn music. Last school year the school was placed in one room of the Cultural Center. Only one teacher taught the piano. It was Viktor Tomala. He also taught preparatory year. The class was placed inappropriately. It was attended by 22 pupils. The number of people interested in music school has grown greatly.
The whole cultural life in the village is managed by the MKS (local cultural center). It is located on the first floor of KD. The head of the ICC is the local citizen Adela Rapčanová. The local cultural center, in cooperation with the other components of the NF (national front), organizes various courses for citizens: sewing, cooking, cold food preparation and others. The center provides lecturers for educational lectures on social - educational, health, political and legal topics. The KD Hall (Cultural House) serves all citizens and youth. It hosts wedding feasts and dance entertainments organized by the NF.
Occasionally, a singing group of professionals or a theater amateur band from other parts of the district will come to the village.
There are also various quiz events, spark spokes, pioneering gatherings, student carnivals, MDD (International Children's Day) celebrations, annual meetings of all components of the national front, general and public citizens' meetings, and theater performances for young and adult. Screenings of feature films are screened. There are also some jubilee meetings and rounded anniversaries organized by the ZPOZ (Civil Affairs Corps). However, some also take place in the room belonging to SZM (Slovak Youth Union) - Youth Club - or in the marriage room of MNV. The youth club was located in the old folk school building at the top of the village.
On the square of the village are built banners - shop windows - which was made by the Local National Committee. They shall be owned by the chairmen of the constituencies. Slovak Women's Association - Anna Švábiková, Civil Affairs Corps (ZPOZ) - Oľga Ďurajová. Slovak Youth Union - Bohuslav Paršo. Local Cultural Center - MKS - Adela Rapčanová. Shop windows reflect the life of NF components in the village.

Citizens' Religious Life
In the village is built church, which was built under the so-called Slovak state. The church and the local parish are administered by the local priest Anton Kopásek, a native of Krásna nad Kysucou. At the same time he lives with his mother. He also teaches NV (religious education) - pupils of the 2nd - 7th year. Teaching NV takes place in the building of the elementary school. 74 percent of all pupils attend religious education. The percentage of pupils enrolled in NV declines each year, although the religious beliefs of people are deeply rooted. 80 percent of our citizens are still believers. The remaining 20 percent of citizens agree with the scientific world view, or have their own opinion. The village is quite purely Catholic. There are also citizens of other faiths, without religion, but very rarely.
Religious ceremonies for believers take place every day, always in the morning. There are two masses on Sunday. One morning at eight and the other at ten. In the afternoon at 14:30 litany is taking place. May devotions are held in May. In October, October again. The bells on the tower strike three times a day, 5:45 in the morning, 12:00 in the afternoon and 18:00 in the evening. The participation of believers in ceremonies is still considerable.

Citizens' social and health conditions
In the village is built a new health center ÚNZ (Institute of National Health). It is built near the cooperative apartment block under Horky. Its location and environment is very good - noiseless and dust-free. The entire area of ​​the health center is fenced with a new fence, which is painted. Previously, geese grazed and polluted the whole area. The building is not tall. It only has a ground floor. However, it is very long. Inside the resort is always clean and hygienic.
It organizes a doctor for general diseases, who is also the head of the center. His name is Rudolf Tichý and he comes from Žilina. He is employed daily by train or by his own car. Nurse Melánia Mestická works in his office. Both healthcare professionals take good care of their patients.
In addition to the general disease physician, there is a pediatrician who also cares for children from birth to ten years of age.
A dental clinic is established for dental care. Dentists and nurses take care of patients' teeth. The pediatrician and dentist and their families are accommodated in the building of the Institute of National Health.
She is ordained once a week at the Counseling Center for Mothers and Children. A female doctor and other health care workers come to the clinic from Kysucké Nové Mesto - ÚNZ - Polyclinic. It is our closest health center where a night-time emergency service is set up for those affected by the disease in the evening or at night. This includes patients from the lower district. The headquarters of OÚNZ (District Institute of National Health) - hospital - is in the district town of Čadca. It treats all sick people from Chadčian district.
The most common diseases that occur in the village are more serious and include: heart, vascular, nerve and cancer - cancer. Commonly occurring diseases in citizens are: upper airway inflammation, tonsillitis, influenza, digestive tract diseases, skin, eye and ear. Tuberculosis (TB), sometimes an incurable disease, occurs only in the elderly and the elderly, and only in isolated cases. Every year citizens are obliged to prevent this disease. Positive citizens are then isolated, presented and treated in a TB sanatorium in Jablunkov. Nowadays, sanatoriums in the Tatras are also possible. After the treatment in convalescence, TB patients affected by ONV (District National Committee) - the Finance Department - receive one-time assistance of one thousand to one thousand five hundred crowns. They are under constant medical supervision with other members and family members with whom they live in the same household. In young people, children and middle-aged citizens, TB is a rare event. Occasionally, however, there is a more insidious lung disease and it is a cancer that is still an incurable disease. Medical science is still helpless against it. Doctors around the world are looking for and testing an effective cure against this malignant disease that is a scare for humans. Cancer affects all organs of the human body.
Very often there is a second dangerous disease of the twentieth century - defeat, stroke. The number of heart attacks and defeats is steadily increasing. Healthcare workers have many concerns with them. The most insidious diseases of the twentieth century are: cancer, heart attacks and defeats.
Childhood diseases are in decline. Almost a very rare phenomenon in children is: diphtheria, varicella, typhoid, robin, cough and scarlet fever. Although measles occur, their course is much easier in children than it used to be. The medical care of children since their birth has a great influence on the occurrence and course of childhood diseases. As soon as they arrive, children are vaccinated, grafted, and given various vitamins against all contagious childhood diseases. Children are constantly under medical supervision for up to fifteen years. Infant mortality has fallen completely due to great medical care. The baby's death is a white crow. First, the child dies at birth, car accident or fatal accident.
With the growth of the standard of living and culture, the age limit of citizens has also been visibly extended. Fifty years ago, people mostly died when they reached the age of 60-70. Currently, the age limit has shifted to 70-80-85 years.
In our village live and 90-year-old citizens: Ondrej Poliak, died this year, Zuzana Zelinova - lives. These are the oldest inhabitants of the village.
Citizens of more than 80 years of age are: Zuzana Švábiková, Maria Smržová (died), Maria Halúsková, Anna Galierová, Anna Dupkalová, Maria Franeková, Magdalena Paršová, Maria Albertová, Maria Dupkalová, Ondrej Paršo, Jozef Kubica. /> 32 citizens are over 75 Also the mortality of adults is lower. Different circumstances have an impact on older age and low mortality: complete retirement - retirement, social and other pensions and support, housing hygiene, use of sanitary facilities, good eating, carefree life, medical care, use of the latest medicines - nutrition for the heart, blood vessels and nerve activity, treatment in treatment facilities - free of charge. Lone citizens, who are not to be looked after, can live their lives in retirement homes in which they are fully cared for and can move freely. General social conditions in the village are good to very good.
34 citizens own cars. The number of car owners with different brands is increasing from year to year. 10 citizens have their own tractors with sidings, which they use when transporting wood, weighing grain, hay, clover, grain, potatoes, construction and other materials. Two citizens own a threshing machine. At the time of harvest, they are hitting the grain of those who still own land.
Many families own modern grain grinders, which they usually make themselves. Others have welding apparatuses, different types of electric mixers, which they use in construction to mix concrete and mortar. They are very good helpers because they facilitate difficult human laborious work. Many citizens also own lifts for the transport of building materials for construction, circular sawing machines and sawing boards, planers, hand and electric drills, sewing and knitting machines, compressors for spraying house facades, various pumps and other machines and tools. /> Almost all citizens care for the beautification and improvement of their environment. They have very nicely fenced family houses, landscaped flower gardens that abound and bloom with many colors of flowers. We can conclude that our citizens are doing very well. They live in abundance, contentment and happiness. There are even small exceptions.

It was a year that will go deep into our history. Demonstrations, protest strikes on Wenceslas Square on 17 November showed disapproval of the development of our company. On 25 November, the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, as well as other members and candidates, resigns. The old regime has disappeared in an ambush and a new, democratic regime is being established.

Municipality description
Very good results were achieved in building the village. The construction of a replacement restaurant building continued. Work was carried out on the construction of the sewer system by completing the route from the construction site of the sewage plant to the state class I road. The extension of the kindergarten has begun. Water supply and access roads were built for 10 family houses in Dielnice. District Road Administration made adjustment of road III. class towards Lodna. The sports area has expanded and the playing field of the football field has been improved. The premises purchased from Rudolf Dragon were reconstructed for the purpose of Small plant at MNV. From its revenues, which amounted to 6,300 thous. Kčs mechanisms were purchased: 2 pieces of LIAZ vehicles, tractor, vacuum truck, ÁVIA Furgon, starter and washer.

Education and physical education.
The number of classes in primary school has not changed, the number of pupils has decreased to 361. The chairman of the parent association has become prom. lawyer Skeleton. Football players have written down the past four years as very successful. Indeed, during these years they managed to advance three times to the I. A class regional competition.

35 children were born, including 15 boys. 28 married couples, 16 citizens died. The population increased to 2231. Mayor of the Chronicler Village

Entries in the first volume of the Chronicle begin in 1932 and end in 1989.
The following chronicles were involved in writing the chronicle these years:
1932 - 1935 Pavol Galvanek, uč. Roman Catholic School
1936 - 1940 Zoltán Galvánek, uč. Roman Catholic School
1942 - 1943 Alojz Eichler, uč. Roman Catholic School
1944 did not write
1945 - 1949 Ján Reck, teacher of the state folk school
1950 - 1971 Anna Švábiková, elementary school teacher
1972 - 1983 Anna Švábiková, elementary school teacher
1984 - 1989 Justín Šamaj, pensioner

Kysucký Lieskovec March 1, 1992, Mayor of Jozef Čuntala

Chronicle of Kysucký Lieskovec II.

This logbook II. The work of the chronicle of the village contains 472 pages

Commemorative Book of Kysucký Lieskovec - Book of Chronicles was founded in 1932

II. The Book of Chronicles has been kept since 1990.
r. 1990 - 1993 Mária Klušáková, educator
r. 1999 - 2006 Horváthová Ľudmila, primary school teacher

The second volume of the chronicle begins with a look into the past of the region and our village.
Kysuce belonged to the Principality of Nitra. The oldest written report for Kysuce is the Bela deed from 1244, which he donated to Bohumír - son of Sobeslav region "KIS ZUCZE". The donated part delimits a large property west of the Kysuca River. It is basically the territory of the later Budatin estate. For the first time, documents from the reign of King Albrecht of Hapsburg fully acquaint us with the property situation in Kysuce. In 1436 Žigmund gave Juraj of Hatný Budatín estate and only in 1438 on the basis of the document we first learn the extent of the estate, which included Budatin Castle and villages - Budatín, Chlmec, Crow, Dubie, Budatínska Lehota, Nesluša, Povina, Radol, Brodno, Zadubie, Kysucké Nové Mesto and Kysucké Lieskovec.
In 1658 the villages of Povina and Kysucký Lieskovec passed to Wallachian law. In the second half of the 16th century in the area of ​​Kysucké Lieskovec was established on Wallachian law settlement Dunajov and Ochodnica. At the beginning of the 18th century on Kopaničiarska law, the settlement of Lodno was established by dividing it from the area of ​​Kysucký Lieskovec.
The first written mention in our village is in 1438. The first recorded name of our village was - LEZKOVECZ.
The village was founded on an old trade route leading through Kysuce to Silesia. It lies at 358 m above sea level, surrounded by beautiful hills of Javorníky, Kysucká Highlands and Kysucké Beskydy, which extends in the length of 66 km Kysuca River. In addition to agricultural work, the population also engaged in the production of shingles, wooden tools, sieves and rivers. There was a men's pond near the village and so there was also fishing, then tinkering, knitting lube baskets and so on. Later, the residents left for seasonal work, often to America.
The original folk architecture - wooden houses covered with shingles - almost disappeared from our village. Remains of old greenery remained in the village: lime trees on the cemetery (although some of them were already cut down despite the conservationists who pointed to their precious age) and a group of poplar trees on the bank of Kysuce.
There is a hiking trail from the village through Korcháň to Stará Bystrica.

As our community has grown since the first records
- in 1598 the village had 13 houses
- in 1658 11 farms and 4 iron farms
- in 1784 124 houses and 681 inhabitants
- in 1828 150 houses and 971 inhabitants
- in 1900 828 inhabitants
- in 1940 1209 inhabitants
- in 1970 2135 inhabitants

In the seal of the village is a deciduous hazel tree. The seal with this painting has been used since 1784

What were the names of our village:
- since 1927 - Lieskovec
- from 1927 to r. 1944 - Lieskovec nad Kysucou since
- from r. 1944 - Kysucky Lieskovec

The first recorded names of our inhabitants from 1690 were: Vaňo, Tomáš, Pyskatý, Butora, Maple, Mozol, Frost, Hajduch, Kotrben, Ďuroška, ​​Malík, Lacko, Šamaj.
The following buildings and structures are included in the CV of our municipality:
- Men's pond - known from 1690 (later state)
- Furman tavern (at Friša)
- a water mill (at Slučiak, later at Hmír)
- a bell tower and two bells on a cemetery from 1768 (now a protected monument)
- the oldest school from 1913
- originally a popular elementary school today kindergarten in 1942
- a minority cooperative behind Kysuca founded in 1978
- Roman Catholic church consecrated in 1950
- an old culture house from 1957 (burned down in 1981 and rebuilt)
- General JRD in 1958
- health center in. 1963
- elementary school 1965
- General water supply in 1965
- rectory in 1969
- new road around the village in r. 1969
- fire station in r. 1972 and superstructure at LŠU in r. 1982
- football field with grandstand in r. 1975
- broiler halls in. 1975
- Propane-butane storage in 1978
- ski lift in r. 1985
- new culture house in r. 1988

Years 1990 - 1993 - Maria Klusakova, educator
Years 1999 - 2006 - Ľudmila Horváthová, teacher
I was born on April 21, 1950 in Žilina. I spent my whole life in Kysucký Lieskovec. After finishing elementary school, high school and primary school I started working as a teacher for one year. 1.- 4. I was very happy about working with children. I reached retirement age in 2006, but I still work as a teacher. I have continued writing the chronicle since. 1999 after unwritten years 1994-1998.

Years 1999-2000
Every country, every nation, every city, village and parish has its own invaluable history, with which many historical and artistic monuments are inseparably linked. Every citizen should live to the fullest and enjoy the beauty of the moments in the village where he lives.
Elections: In December 1998, municipal council elections were held in our municipality. Out of the total number of voting citizens, _ was _ voting. _ MEPs from different parties ran for election.
On 15 January 1999 at 17:00 a ceremonial meeting of elected deputies took place, attended by Ing. Svrčková Jana, MP of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Marián Antický and outgoing mayor of Paršo Bohuš, as well as the newly elected mayor Mrs. Červienková Viera. In addition to the mayor of the village, 12 members were elected in the elections and were divided into individual commissions with the following functions:
Blažej Chupáč - SNS - Deputy Mayor, Water Management Commission
Štefan Mrenka - HZDS - Commission for Contractual Relations
Ing. Štefan Ficek - KDH - Commission for Energy and Telecommunications
Ing. Pavol Šadlák - KDH - Commission for the Environment
Anna Kečková - nonpartisan - Commission for Culture and Education
Jozef Králik - HZDS - Commission for Agriculture and Forestry
Ing. Peter Podpleský - HZDS - Public Order Protection Commission
Ing. Milan Truban - KDH - Youth Commission
Mgr. Ľubomír Horňáček - SNS - Commission for Education and Sport
Pavol Oškrobaný - CIS - Commission of Finance and Administration of Municipal Property
Peter Švec - CIS - Commission for Construction and Ground Planning
Mária Hunčíková - CIS - Social and Health Commission
The established commissions work according to the elaborated plans, they meet regularly and inform the meetings of the municipal council about their activities.
In addition to the deputies in the apparatus of the municipal office also belong
- economist and economist of Ms. Helena Podpleská
- Cultural Officer Ms Maria Šupolová
- Registrar Anna Kečková
- Secretary of the Mayor, Ms Katarína Mitková
In January 2000, following the resignation of Ms Podpleská, Kečková and Mitková, the following took place:
to the position of economist - Ing. Lenka Mizerova
to the post of cultural officer - p. Katarína Božeková, for a definite period, but this one has been extended
to the place of registry office - p. Staza Turianská, p. A. Kečková for retirement. It has been adopted by the CA in the KNM.
Cultural Officer p. Mária Šupolová was transferred to the post of Secretary of the Municipality of Katarína Mitková, who had applied for a fixed term notice since February 2000 for a serious illness of a child in need of special care. She did not take up her post after a certain period of time. This position is still held by Ms Maria Šupolová

Village property
Following the start of the parliamentary term since 1999, major and serious shortcomings from the previous parliamentary term have been identified. School flats were sold to teachers residing there, former municipal office building in the center of the village, Health Center, which is not yet settled, as there is no consistency between the purchase contracts and the actual state of the sold part of the land surrounding the health center and the health center itself. It was and is still necessary to pay the debt for the construction of landfill MSW (solid municipal waste) in our village, which was at the beginning of the election period - 1.900 000, - Sk, for which the building of culture house was established and granted credit from the 1st Municipal Bank .
In addition to these debts, the municipal office pays unpaid invoices in the amount of - 500 000, - Sk monthly installments 30 000, - Sk from 1.1. 2000. The value of the built landfill TKO after the approval in December 1999 is 10 070 000, - Sk.
In 1999, the municipality repaid the loan with interest in the amount of SKK 922,000. For the year 2000 - 736 000, - Sk. It still has to pay off 782 000, - SKK.
It is also used by the surrounding villages, in addition to Kysucké Nové Mesto. This landfill meets all the necessary parameters.
Another property of the village was Local operation. Since Kysucký Lieskovec s.r.o. was founded in October 1998 from the former operation at the municipal office. with 100% participation of the municipality, the relations between the municipality and s.r.o. were not treated. and therefore had to be solved by renting HIM buildings (tangible fixed assets) with respect to the MSW landfill. Because the municipality had a loan for this landfill TKO, which had to repay.

Year 2014
Municipality - elections On 5 November 2014, municipal elections were held in the village: for the election the mayor of the municipality and the deputies of the Municipal Assembly. Number of voters who were issued envelopes: 1252, submitted: 1251. Number of voters in the village: 1893. Number of valid ballots for election to Civic Organization: 1215. Number of elected deputies: 9. Number of valid ballots for electing mayor: 1230. Results of elections by obtained number of votes for mayor of the municipality: 1. Magdaléna Trubanová, Mgr., independent candidate with the number of votes: 572, 2. Štefan Mrenka, Ing., independent: 434, 3. Jana Capeková, Ing. Independent: 97, 4. Stanislav Jančiga, Ing., NOVA: 74, 5. Marián Masaryk, Ing, Independent: 53 votes. For MPs: a) elected candidates: 1. Jozef Psota, NETWORK: 560 hl. , 2. Jozef Kurucar, NETWORK, 543, 3. Martin Jakubec, independent, 524, 4. Lenka Mizerova, Ing, 460, 5. Jaroslav Kekely, SNS, 451, 6. Jan Konusik, Ing, independent: 444, 7. Viera Červienková, SMER-SD: 430, 8. Pavol Frišo, Ing., KDH: 403, 9. Dáša Hunčíková, Mgr., NETWORK: 401. b) non-elected - alternates: 10. Vladimír Lašo, NOVA, 376, 11. Štefan Mrenka, Ing., Independent: 332, Lubomir Kobeda, Mgr., KDH, 328, 13. Stanislav Ondreáš, KDH: 327, 14. Silvia Šprláková, Mgr., KDH: 317, 15. Julius Rapčan, SMER-SD: 313 , 16. Vladimír Psota, Law and Justice: 292, 17. Milan Králik, CIS: 286, 18. František Kováčik, CIS: 274, 19. Pavol Šutý, Ing ,. NEW: 253, 20. Marcel Gomola, CIS: 219, 21. Juraj Samaj, CIS: 211, 22. Roman Tarana, SMER-SD: 200, 23. Anna Cenigova, Law and Justice: 189, 24. Dusan Dirbak, SMER -SD, 184, 25. Marian Masaryk, Independent: 141, 26. Slavomir Kubinec, SMER-SD: 139, 27. Peter Ondrej, SMER-SD: 134, 28. Peter Duben, SMER-SD: 122, 29. Miroslav Capek, Bc., Independent: 111, 30. Frantisek Nemcek, Ing., SMER-SD: 96, 31. Jaroslav Suľa, Law and Justice, 82, 32. Janka Skorova Mgr., 78 votes.

Year 2013
City: Culture
2013 Cultural Events
Fašiangy: Performance of FS in Žilina at Carneval Slovakia
- Keeping the bass in a community center
- Guide of FS masks through the town of Čadca
MDŽ: Sitting in a cultural house with refreshments
Easter exhibition of Easter eggs and decorations in CVČ
Building May May in the center of the village
FS participation in PĽR - Zebrzydowice at the Golden Ear competition where they won first place in their category
Firefighters Day - Saint Florian
Mother's Day - in the program: IV. year of the show "Amateur heligonkare and accordionist in cooperation with art school
29.5. In our village there was an international harmony run with a burning torch
MDD - carnival for children in gymnasium of elementary school
Vojana - burning of the fire on the bald
16th year of young talent competition - Lieskovský hazel
General Feast:
Friday 19.7.2013 - evening cinema in the center of the village
Saturday 20.7.2013 - on the football field tournament of pupils and adolescents, in the village center - IV. year running through the village, opening ceremony: children from kindergarten, CVČ, ZUŠ and singer Lienka, FS z Ochodnice, Kysucké Lieskovec, Zebrzydowice, Kysucké juniors, Beavers from Bolatice, DH Lieskovanka, Imitator - Bobeš, concert of Ploštín Punk, Komajota Punk, at the end disco
Sunday 21.7.2013 - ceremonial holy mass in church with sanctification of statue of St. Florian - patron of firefighters, international football tournament, children games, "A" team match, digging eleven, dragging rope, competition of surrounding DHZ for the mayor's cup, performance of the FS in the cooperative village of Bolatice (Czech Republic),
9.13 - the consecration of the Stations of the Cross from Laliná to Rovno by Father Bishop Tomáš Galis, with the abundant participation of the village's citizens and guests.
October sessions for seniors on the occasion of a month of respect for the elderly with jubilees and newborn parents
In December Nicholas and New Year's Eve. During the Christmas I Christmas Market, which was organized by Štefan Hruštinec

Registry - Population Register
Population: 2375, number of deaths: 25 citizens, number of children born: 16, number of registered: 29 and registered 29 citizens, number of marriages: 6, number of anniversaries: 18 y. : 33, 50 y. : 39, 60 r .: 21, 70 r .: 15, 80 r .: 4, 90 r .: 2. Most common names for newborns - Laura, Matúš, David.

Use of 2013 surplus: budget result
Total current revenue: 1,196,794.86
Of which current incomes municipality: 1,178,163.41
current revenue RO: 18.631,45
Total current expenditure: 1.152.351,34
of which current expenditure village: 413.228,10
current expenditure RO: 739.123,24
Current budget: 44.443,52
Total capital income: 8.500,00
of which municipality's capital revenue: 8.500,00
capital income RO: 0
Total capital expenditure: 27,176.83
of which municipality's capital expenditure: 27,176.83
capital expenditure RO: 0
Capital budget: - 18,676.83
current and capital budget surplus / deficit: + 25,766.69
Income from financial operations: 3,000.00
spending: 27,547.92
Difference: 27.547,92
total revenue: 1.208.294,86
total spend: 1.207.076,09
village management: 1,218.77

A budget surplus of 1,218.77 used to create the reserve fund
- accounting result - difference between revenues and expenses
Kysucký Lieskovec village -35,844.76
Kysucký Lieskovec Kindergarten + 5,437.58
ZŠ Kysucký Lieskovec - 5,756.14
KČC Kysucký Lieskovec 0
ZUS Kysucky Lieskovec + 815.08
Total - 35.348,24

At the request of the citizens, the deputies of the municipal council convened a public assembly of the citizens of the municipality, invited in writing all those who are not indifferent to the running of the municipality. The mayor apologized to the citizens in writing and explained why they would not attend this meeting. At the same time, the letter commented on the burning problems of the municipality, which MPs pointed out by referendum last year, ie: 22 and 8-apartment building above the CA, school canteen, Stations of the Cross, artificial playground at primary school, Landfill TKO, Services K.L. s.r.o., street lighting, ponds, water supply and sewerage, CVČ and explained the claims and liabilities of the municipality. About 40 people attended the meeting. After that, another petition was held in the village for calling a new referendum. It was not signed by 30 percent of voters (that is about 560 people), so it did not.
In the middle of October, the municipal building in the center of the village was demolished and the operation was closed down: Various goods and florists, also the CO building and the PIO warehouse were canceled due to the revitalization of the village center.
On November 9, elections to the regional council of the Žilina self-governing region (ŽSK) were held. Number of candidates: 23. 3 members were elected. Also election of the chairman of ŽSK from 5 candidates. For our municipality, the number of valid ballots passed for elections to the council: 407, the most votes were 120 p. Vladimír Macašek - Head of SMER - soc. democracy on the elected district and municipality p. Pavol Šutý - New majority - agreement. The number of valid ballots for the election of the President: 402, the most votes were Ing. Juraj Blanár with 270 votes.
On 5.2.2013 tragically died p. Milos Helt at the age of 39, when he was transporting the PZ for the interrogation in a snapped moment jumped out of the car right under the wheels of the truck village Povina. Six children and his wife were left in a bad financial situation, so the citizens of the village announced a public fundraiser to help the family.

Primary school
Gr. year 2012/13
Number of teaching staff: 24, operational: 8. Number of classes: 15, 5 classes in the first grade, 10 classes in the second grade. Total number of students: 284 of which 141 boys and 143 girls, 95 pupils of the first grade and 49 boys and 46 girls, 189 pupils of the second grade of which: 92 boys and 97 girls.
Gr. year 2011/12
Number of teaching staff 25, operational 8, number of classes: 16, 6 classes at the first level and 10 classes at the second level. Total number of pupils 284 of which 132 boys and 152 girls, 99 first grade pupils of which 51 boys and 48 girls, 185 second grade pupils of which 81 boys and 104 girls.

At the beginning of the year, Mgr. Magdaléna Trubanová. The municipality, as the founder, announced on April 8, 2013 a selection procedure to fill the post of director for part-time work for economic reasons. This position was occupied by Mgr. Juraj Vnuk.

Last year's weather was similar to previous years, except winter without snow.

Year 2012
Culture in the village:
- 6.1. Prepared by DHZ Kysucký Lieskovec I. Indoor Games for Children in Cultural House (KD)
- 21.1. we seized VII. Municipal representative ball, the dance group played Ace and the program introduced the dance group IN DANCE GROUPE Zilina
- 25.1. citizens of the village could meet in the cultural house with the Minister of Culture Mgr. Daniel Krajcer and discuss their problems
- 3.2. the fun continued at the Hunting Ball
- 13.2 Carnival for children
- 19.2. fascination culmination - carnival entertainment with midnight bass bouncing
- 8.3. MDŽ - the celebration was canceled due to the death of Mr. Starched
- 8.4. Easter fun
- 3.4. Building May May with DHZ, FS and DH members from Kysucké Lieskovec
- 5.5. Firefighters Day - Saint Florian
- 13.5. Mother's Day in the Cultural House - program children from kindergarten, elementary school CVČ and ZUŠ in Kysucké Lieskovec, also members of FS and DH Lieskovanka
- 25. 5. III. amateur heligon and accordionist in KD
- 9.6. completion of a dance course for elementary school students - Venček
- 23.6. soldier on the hill Pleš
- 25.6. already 15th year of young talent competition Lieskovský Oriešok
- 20.7, 21.7., 22.7. Feast of the village
Friday: evening cinema in the village center - Berries 1
Saturday: pupils tournament - II.r. - on the football field
run by municipality - III. r.
performances of children, folklore ensembles (FS) also from PĽR, ČR.
performance singer Miro Jaroš performance, evening disco-entertainment
Sunday: festive feast in the church, international football tournament on football field, football matches, sports afternoon for children, eleven digging, rope pulling at the top and bottom of the village, evening cinema in the village center - Berries II.
- 25.10. On the occasion of the October month of respect for the elders, we welcomed jubilants, newborns and 18 year olds to KD
- 24.11. Catherine's fun in KD
- 5.12. Stefan fun
- 31.12. New Year's Eve cabbage in the center of the village and cottage in Rovne.

Community Events
The unfortunate event was that on the night of 12-13 February the newly built municipal cottage in Rovne burned down.
Due to extensive frost and snow calamity, distribution networks have been damaged and water in the pipeline has frozen. The municipality declared an extraordinary situation on the territory of the municipality on 22.2.2012 at 15:00. Part of the village, about 100 citizens were weaned from drinking water. This condition lasted for 2 weeks. Citizens were supplied with drinking water tanks. For this 29.2.2012 was announced meteorological warning II. degree - wind - strong and impact.
10.3. elections to the National Council of the Slovak Republic were held. The winning political party for the next parliamentary term in Slovakia was SMER - Social Democracy. In our village, the SMER voters supported their 835 votes.
The municipality, as the founder, announced a tender for the post of director of kindergarten and primary school in Kysucky Lieskovec. Applications had to be delivered to the municipal office by 31.7.2015. Kindergarten had one candidate - Bc. Katarína Králiková, who became the old-school director of kindergarten. Primary school had 3 candidates - the winner was Mgr. Ľubomír Horňáček, who also became the headmaster of the Primary School. Headquarters of kindergartens and elementary schools in K.L. informed parents and staff that on 26.11. at 6:00 entered the nationwide strike, which lasted 2 days.
Members of the municipal council held in the village center 13.12. meeting of citizens with deputies due to referendum on 15.12. for appealing the mayor of the municipality.
Results: number of eligible voters 1876, number of tickets cast: 792, number of valid tickets 778, number of invalid tickets 14, number of votes "yes" 729, number of votes "no" 49. Since the absolute majority of eligible voters did not participate in the referendum. This event has been publicized in almost everyone, but mainly in the regional newspaper.

Population Register
Newborn babies: 21 of them 11 girls and 10 boys
Deaths: 20 of them 13 women and 7 men
Population: 2385 citizens
28 (from KNM, Dunajov ...)
Check-out: 23 (to KNM, Zilina, Krasna nad Kysucou ...)
Marriage: 13 of which 12 in the local church, 1 in the office
Jubilanti: 18 y. - 23, 50 y. - 36, 60 y. - 31, 70 y. - 12, 80 y. - 16, 90 y. - 1 - p. Tomas Parso.

This year began with a warm and rainy winter, which had already passed in February to a freezing to Siberian winter, with snow to calamitous snow. The water in the pipes was freezing during heavy frosts. Spring reported warm and dry weather. June was rainy and summer was extremely hot. Autumn was nice and warm. The first snow attacked in late October. A long and cold winter followed.

2011/2012 ARTICLES
Since its establishment on 1 September 2008, it has expanded to include branches in Nesluš, Žilina and Skalit. During the school year, the municipality began with the addition of elementary schools and kindergartens from EU financial contributions. It is also visited by children of neighboring villages. The number of pupils is 147, of which 88 are in the music field, 40 in the art field, 9 in the literary-drama and 10 in the dance.
The school's activity consists of thematic concerts and class parties, educational projects, various competitions and shows, and pupils' presentations at municipal events.

In this school year there were 4 classes with 81 children, of which 25 were preschoolers. In the 1st class there are 2-3 year olds and there are 11 of them, in the 2nd class there are 3-4 year olds and there are 23, in the 3rd class there are 4-6 year olds and there are 24, in the 4th class there are 5-6 year old children and there are 23 of them, 1 integrated and 3 special - deferred school attendance. Number of teaching staff - qualified: 7. Has a rich activity and presentation of the school in public and participation in events organized by the municipality: jubilanti, Nicholas, Mother's Day, building May, MDD ...

CVČ in our village provides educational, leisure and recreational activities of children, parents and other persons up to the age of 30 in their free time. This year Coop Unity "Let us not wander ..." was involved in the Coop project. It has a really rich activity in culture, sports, education ...

Primary school year 2010/2011
Number of teaching staff: 23, operational: 8, number of classes: 16, 6 grades at the 1st grade, 10 grades at the 2nd grade, the total number of pupils 286, of which 128 boys, 158 girls, 94 1st grade 43 boys and 51 girls, 192 second grade pupils of which 85 boys and 107 girls. Number of children enrolled in the school club: 47. Number of children eating in the school canteen: approx. 100. Duration of one lesson: 45 minutes.

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