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Anna Švábiková

Added by Admin | 29 Mar 2019 at 2:33 | 165x |
Anna Švábiková

Anna Švábiková

Anna Svabikova, rod. Pijaková (* 1929 - † 2016)

She was born on October 17, 1929 in Ochodnica. After graduating from high school, he worked as a teacher and inspector of a kindergarten in Igrane in Senec. In 1951 she returned to Kysuce and taught for 36 years at a primary school in Kysucky Lieskovec. She completed her vocational education at the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Bratislava. She has raised three adoptive children alongside her three daughters. She has acted as an amateur actress and has directed dozens of theater performances for children and adults. She has been singing and leading folk groups of children and adults for more than 30 years. She has performed with them many performances at home and abroad. She worked and studied scenarios of Kysuce folk traditions (Old-time wedding), collected and written folk customs, proverbs and sayings, and the oldest of Kysuce's songs in the region, she wrote a general chronicle for 45 years, organized and conducted hundreds of cultural and social events, worked for 30 years in as a member of the Civic Affairs Corps of the MNV in Kysucki Lieskovci, she prepared 300 farewells to the deceased. She is the author of the two-part autobiographical prose Zrnko a víchor, in which she published the Kysuce customs, proverbs, sayings and fairy tales and described and compared past and present life in Kysuce. She received many awards and awards for her work. hotels In 1987 she received the Grandmother of the Year Award at the Prague Castle and holds the honorary title of Kysucké Nadace Bratislava Personality Kysúc 2003.
On July 22, 2017, the village of Kysucký Lieskovec awarded Anne Švábiková the “In memoriam” Prize of the Municipality of Kysucký Lieskovec for a long-term active activity in education, culture, preserving folk traditions and spreading the good name of the village.

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